-25 FEBRUARY 2015-



(“michael anthony turns 29”)

(called him up @ 8am as i was riding the bus to ‘trenton’)

(i had a fresh stash of dope and was looking for rolling papers)

great night’s sleep…

smoked a roach before leaving the room…

moderately cold day…

michael anthony turns 29…

called him up @ work this morning on the 7:51am 600 bus to ‘new horizons’…

he was at work…

no one at front desk…

left message for charity…

saw charity…

she probably knew i was stoned…

tested at 72 for THC level last friday…

will test way up this week…

but she’s not here next week…

so don’t have to worry about it for two weeks…

blew off groups…

now i’m @ mercer county college computer lab…

bought rolling papers @ bodega for $1.50…

and a newport for 50 cents…

made me sleepy…

there are fire trucks in front of the bus stop…

hope i can make it back to the room…

taking big healthy shits…

gotta finish the electric guitar power chord overdubs today…

then start on drum tracks / synth tracks / guitar solos / lead vocals / vocal harmonies…

pick up food @ crisis ministry tomorrow…

took a 3:47pm 603 bus back to the room…

pigged out on PBJs and napped…

then started smoking joints and recording electric guitar power chord tracks…

made it up to the last track “the negro leagues”…

then i got spooked by the activity next door and ate 3 sausage + egg hot pockets (one between white bread) and the rest of the white bread + PBJ…

(as well as lots of ‘cinnamon toast’ pop tarts)

(wasting a lot of my ‘highs’ on ‘sleep’)






👈👈👈 ☜ *-25 FEBRUARY 2014-*


*-25 FEBRUARY 2016-* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. michael anthony’s birthday | *JoGa Jungle*

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