-alcohol laws-

-as of [14 APRIL 2024]










*in ‘new jersey’, ‘alcohol consumption’ is ‘illegal’ for all ‘citizens’ under 21 years old*


(same for all US states)


(i believe that this law must be abolished as soon as possible)

humans DEMAND alcohol because the drug has a definite PURPOSE in society.

More specifically, ADOLESCENTS demand alcohol because it facilitates transition to adulthood.

Inhibitions regarding sexual reproduction can serve as natural population controls, and certain cultures can create these sexual “hang-ups” in childrens’ brains with religious imagery in mass media:

“Premarital sex is a SIN”.

The 21st century alpha male is characterized by a risk-loving approach. 

With his first swig of beer, the teenager defies government by willfully violating the law.  The chemicals invade his brain, and his sexual and social inhibitions have now vanished!  He is momentarily enlightened: he had been always been taught that he is supposed to be attracted to women with certain outstanding qualities (big tits, white skin, long hair) but he musn’t express this desire until he is reaches a suitable age to consider marriage (usually set near the age at which his parents were married).  As the boy reached puberty, he began to sincerely doubt the benefits of adhering to this sexual progression in a culture fascinated by the marriage a busty Playboy centerfold and a 90-year-old billionaire Texas oilman.

As A God in the sky forbidding him to enjoy himself with a femaleWith his newfound “beer goggles”, he finds that a greater percentage of females are now rendered intensely desirable

He spots a big-tittied blue-eyed blonde standing and utters “ME WANT!”  The girl

As a child, my OCPD-colored brain wiring rendered me the ultimate conformist.

my best friend shane taylor was a risk-lover…

(“last call” is enforced at 2am)


(‘massachusetts’ made sale of “strong liquor” (deliberately vague terminology) a crime)


(1657 –> massachusetts made sale of “strong liquor” (deliberately vague terminology) a crime)

in new jersey, alcohol consumption is illegal for citizens 21 YEARS OF AGE and younger…

(i believe that this law must be abolished as soon as possible (more on drug decriminalization at’ JOGANOMICS’) 

humans DEMAND alcohol because the drug has a definite PURPOSE in society.  More specifically, ADOLESCENTS demand alcohol because it facilitates transition to adulthood.  Inhibitions regarding sexual reproduction can serve as natural population controls, and certain cultures can create these sexual “hang-ups” in childrens’ brains with religious imagery in mass media: “Premarital sex is a SIN”.

The 21st century alpha male is characterized by a risk-loving approach.  With his first swig of beer, the teenager defies government by willfully violating the law.  The chemicals invade his brain, and his sexual and social inhibitions have now vanished!  He is momentarily enlightened: he had been always been taught that he is supposed to be attracted to women with certain outstanding qualities (big tits, white skin, long hair) but he musn’t express this desire until he is reaches a suitable age to consider marriage (usually set near the age at which his parents were married).  As the boy reached puberty, he began to sincerely doubt the benefits of adhering to this sexual progression in a culture fascinated by the marriage a busty Playboy centerfold and a 90-year-old billionaire Texas oilman.

As A God in the sky forbidding him to enjoy himself with a femaleWith his newfound “beer goggles”, he finds that a greater percentage of females are now rendered intensely desirable

He spots a big-tittied blue-eyed blonde standing and utters “ME WANT!”  The girl

As a child, my OCPD-colored brain wiring rendered me the ultimate conformist.

my best friend shane taylor was a risk-lover…

as a 28-year-old, i pled guilty to “public intoxication” after being arrested at an austin airport on thanksgiving day…i was never given a breathylzer…i had merely fallen asleep while waiting to board at the gate…it was past 9am…i hadn’t drank since 4am the night before (but i had stayed up all night packing my belongings)…

after waiting at the police station all day, i finally went before a judge (handcuffed to a bonafide hispanic wino still reeking of booze)…i had no representation…

the judge told me i could plead guilty and pay a $100 fine…

plead guilty and serve 3 months’ probation in new jersey…
(and have the charge wiped from my record)

plead not guilty and come back to austin to fight the charges…

i didn’t want to (and couldn’t afford coming back to austin)…i had already served a year of probation for the DWI charge and never wanted to go through that process again…and i knew that the probation costs would be higher than the $100 fine…so i bit the bullet…my mother agreed to pay the fine for me (as usual)…

in NJ, public intoxication is not a crime

(and state law bars municipalities from making it a crime)

“last call” is enforced at 2am…








👈👈👈☜*“ETHANOL”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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