-apostle nathaniel-

(‘stained glass panel’ in the transept of ‘saint john’s anglican church’ / ‘ashfield’ / ‘new south wales’ (NSW) 

(this scene depicts ‘nathanael’ under a ‘fig tree’, with the words spoken of him by jesus: “behold an israelite indeed in whom is no ‘guile'” (john 1:47).

(the inscription on this memorial window reads “in memory of [george mackenzie holden].

(born ’25 april 1841′)

(died ’25 may 1881′) 

(half of the words are on a ‘paired panel’)


(less frequently, nathanael, nathanial or nathanel)


-“nathaniel” is a given name derived from the greek form of the hebrew נְתַנְאֵל (netan’el), meaning “god has given”-


(the name is borne by an apostle of ‘christ’, according to the ‘gospel of john’ (1:45; 21:2))


(‘nathanael’ (hebrew נתנאל, “god has given”) of ‘cana’ in ‘galilee’ was a ‘follower’ or ‘disciple’ of ‘jesus’, mentioned only in the ‘gospel of john’ in chapters ‘1’ and ’21’)








👈👈👈☜*“FAMOUS NATHANS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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