

-as of [13 APRIL 2024]




(founded in ‘1995’)

(bergblum introduced me to the website during my last year @ harvard…

he was busy experimenting with homemade psychedelics with his hampshire roommate mike tarantula…

(i found the experience vaults to be quite enjoyable reading during meals in my dorm room…)

(from the ‘proto-indo-european’ language:)

“er” –> “earth”
“wid” –> “wisdom”

(i need to start writing for ‘erowid’)
(under a ‘pseudonym’ of course)

(well at least a “pseudonym” of sorts)

(most will know it’s ‘only me’ immediately…)


(…and (in keeping in line with their former apathetic (lack of) response, they didn’t give a shit)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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