








(“Esau” (/ˈsɔː/; Hebrew: עֵשָׂו‎; Standard Hebrew: Esav; Tiberian Hebrew: ʿĒśāw; ISO 259-3 ʕeśaw; Greek: Ἡσαῦ Hēsau; Latin: Hesau, Esau; Arabic: عِيسُو‎‎ ‘Īsaw; meaning “Hairy” or “Rough”), in the ‘Hebrew Bible’, is the older son of ‘Isaac’)

(he is mentioned in the ‘Book of Genesis’, and by the prophets, ‘Obadiah’ and ‘Malachi’)

(the ‘New Testament’ of the ‘Christian Bible’ alludes to him in the ‘Epistle to the Romans’ and in the ‘Epistle to the Hebrews’)

(according to the ‘Hebrew Bible’, ‘Esau’ is the progenitor of the ‘Edomites’ and the elder twin brother of ‘Jacob’, the patriarch of the ‘Israelites’)

(‘Esau’ and ‘Jacob’ were the sons of ‘Isaac’ and ‘Rebekah’, and the grandsons of ‘Abraham’ and ‘Sarah’)

(of the twins, ‘Esau’ was the first to be born with ‘Jacob’ following, holding his heel (the Hebrew name ‘Yaacov ‘meaning “Heel-holder”))

(‘Isaac’ was 60 years old and ‘Rebekah’ is believed to have been younger when the boys were born)

(Esau’s grandfather ‘Abraham’ was still alive, being 160 years old at that time)

(‘Esau’, a “man of the field” became a hunter who had “rough” qualities that distinguished him from his twin brother)

(among these distinguishing qualties were his red hair and noticeable hairiness)

(‘Jacob’ was a shy or simple man, depending on the translation of the Hebrew word “Tam” (which also means “relatively perfect man”))

(throughout ‘Genesis’, ‘Esau’ is frequently shown as being supplanted by his younger twin ‘Jacob’ (‘Israel’))

(aka “the toresco twins”)

(***BACK TO “ISAAC”***)

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