“the fly club”





2 holyoke place
(‘cambridge’ / ‘massachusetts’ / ‘USA’)




*the fly club is a ‘final club’ for ‘male undergraduates’ of ‘harvard university’*


(‘membership’ is ‘for life’)

(whether we like it or not?)

(founded in ‘1836’ as a ‘literary society’ by the editors of harvardiana, the club was granted a charter by the ‘alpha delta phi’ fraternity in ‘1837’ and remained a ‘chapter’ until surrendering its ‘charter’ in ‘1865’)

(with the graduation of the members of the ‘class of 1868’, the club was discontinued until ‘1878’, when graduate members, including ‘edward everett hale’ (class of 1839) and ‘phillips brooks’ (class of 1855, initiated ‘undergraduates’ from the ‘class of 1879’, to whom the old charter was ‘restored’)

(in ‘1906’, the ‘charter’ was once again ‘surrendered’, and in ‘1910’, the organization officially adopted the name ‘fly club’, its ‘unofficial title’ for more than a ‘decade’)

(some sources maintain that the club’s name was derived by combining the PH from “Alpha,” the l from “Delta,” and the i from “Phi,” to get “Phli,”; “fly” as it is pronounced)

(the ‘clubhouse’ is located at ‘2 holyoke place’ (near ‘harvard square’) in the “gold coast” area of formerly private apartments that now comprise harvard’s ‘adams house’)


(the ‘fly’ sits in front of harvard’s ‘lowell house’, across ‘mount auburn street’. from the ‘harvard lampoon’ building)






👈👈👈☜*“5 MALE-ONLY FINAL CLUBS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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