







‘french’ –> “la grenade”


(‘grenada’ is an island country consisting of ‘grenada’ itself and 6 smaller islands at the southern end of the ‘Grenadines’ in the southeastern ‘Caribbean Sea’)

(‘Grenada’ is located northwest of ‘Trinidad and Tobago’, northeast of ‘Venezuela’, and southwest of ‘Saint Vincent’ and the ‘Grenadines’)

(‘Grenada’ is also known as the “Island of Spice” because of the production of nutmeg and mace crops, of which it is one of the world’s largest exporters)

(its size is 344 square kilometres (133 sq mi), with an estimated population of 110,000)

(its capital is ‘St. George’s’)

(the national bird of ‘Grenada’ is the critically endangered ‘Grenada dove’)

(before the arrival of ‘Europeans’, ‘Grenada’ was inhabited by indigenous ‘Arawaks’ and, subsequently, ‘Island Caribs’)

(‘Christopher Columbus’ sighted ‘Grenada’ in 1498 during his third voyage to the ‘Americas’)

(although it was deemed the property of the ‘King of Spain’, there are no records to suggest the Spanish ever landed or settled on the island)

(following several unsuccessful attempts by Europeans to colonise the island due to resistance from the native ‘Island Caribs’, French settlement and colonisation began in 1650 and continued for the next century)

(on 10 February 1763 ‘Grenada’ was ceded to the British under the ‘Treaty of Paris’)

(British rule continued, except for a period of ‘French’ rule between 1779 and 1783, until 1974)

(from 1958 to 1962 ‘Grenada’ was part of the ‘Federation of the West Indies’, a short-lived federation of ‘British West Indian colonies’)

(on 3 March 1967, ‘Grenada’ was granted full autonomy over its internal affairs as an ‘Associated State’)

(‘Herbert Blaize’ was the first ‘Premier’ of the ‘Associated State of Grenada’ from March to August 1967)

(‘Eric Gairy’ served as Premier from August 1967 until February 1974)

(independence was granted on 7 February 1974, under the leadership of ‘Eric Gairy’, who became the first ‘Prime Minister of Grenada’)

(in March 1979, a coup by the ‘Marxist New Jewel Movement’ removed ‘Gairy’, suspended the constitution, and established a ‘People’s Revolutionary Government’ (PRG), headed by ‘Maurice Bishop’ as ‘Prime Minister’)

(on 19 october 1983, hardline ‘Marxist Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard’ and his wife ‘Phyllis’, backed by the ‘Grenadian Army’, led a coup against the government of ‘Maurice Bishop’ and placed ‘Bishop’ under house arrest)

(‘bishop’ was later freed by popular demonstration and attempted to resume power, but was captured and executed by soldiers)


*25 OCTOBER 1983*

“operation urgent fury”


(the United States and its Caribbean allies invade Grenada, 6 days after Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several of his supporters are executed in a “coup d’état”)

(on ’25 october 1983′, combined forces from the ‘United States’ and from the ‘Regional Security System’ (RSS) based in ‘Barbados’ invaded ‘Grenada’ in an operation codenamed ‘Operation Urgent Fury’)

(the invasion was highly criticised by the governments of ‘Britain’, ‘Trinidad and Tobago’, and ‘Canada’, along with the ‘United Nations General Assembly’)

(elections were held in December 1984 and were won by the ‘Grenada National Party’ under ‘Herbert Blaize’ who served as prime minister until his death in December 1989)

(on 7 september 2004, after being hurricane-free for 49 years, the island was directly hit by ‘Hurricane Ivan’, which damaged or destroyed 90% of the island’s homes)


(on ’14 july 2005′, ‘hurricane emily’ struck the northern part of the island, causing an estimated USD $110 million (EC$297 million) worth of damage)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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