“how gay are they?”






-beginning in 1887 in the ‘united states’-


*a ‘sunny day’ means ‘6 more weeks’ of ‘winter’*

(the groundhog sees its shadow and retreats to his mom’s basement)


a groundhog emerges from its hole…
(‘punxsutawney’ / ‘pennsylvania’)

*if it is cloudy, then the groundhog will remain outside and spring will come early*

*if it is sunny, the groundhog will be frightened by its shadow and retreat to its hole*

(and winter will last for 6 more weeks)



(seems ‘counter-intuitive’ if you associate ‘sun’ with ‘warmth’)


(‘canadian french’ –> Jour de la Marmotte)

(‘pennsylvania german’ –> grundsaudaag / murmeltiertag)


(‘groundhog day’ is a traditional holiday celebrated on ‘february 2nd’)


(according to folklore…)

(if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, then the ‘spring season’ will arrive early, some time before the ‘vernal equinox’)

(if it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its den, and winter weather will persist for 6 more weeks)

(in other words, sometime BEFORE the ‘vernal equinox’)

(‘6 weeks’ –> ’42 days’)

(for a ‘common year’, there are 26 more days in ‘february’)

(for a ‘leap year’, there are 27 more days in ‘february’)

(‘march 16’ spring for ‘common years’)

(‘march 17’ spring for ‘leap years’)

(how much ‘earlier’ is spring supposed to come when the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow?)


(modern customs of the holiday involve early morning celebrations to watch the ‘groundhog’ emerging from its ‘burrow’)

(in southeastern ‘pennsylvania’, ‘groundhog lodges’ (grundsow lodges) celebrate the holiday with fersommlinge, social events in which food is served, speeches are made, and one or more g’spiel (plays or skits) are performed for entertainment)

(the ‘pennsylvania german’ dialect is the only language spoken at the event, and those who speak english pay a penalty, usually in the form of a nickel, dime, or quarter per word spoken, with the money put into a bowl in the center of the table)

(“groundhog day” was adopted in the ‘united states’ in 1887)

(“clymer h. freas” was the editor of the local paper punxsutawney spirit at the time, and he began promoting the town’s ‘groundhog’ as the official “groundhog day meteorologist”)

(the largest ‘groundhog day’ celebration is held in ‘punxsutawney’, ‘pennsylvania’, with ‘punxsutawney phil’)


(‘groundhog day’ – already a ‘widely-recognized’ + ‘popular’ tradition – received widespread attention as a result of the 1993 film groundhog day)








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