*'harry k thaw' murder trial**1906*

NYC Social Scene of the Early 20th Century
(just like the NYC Social Scene of the Early 21st Century)


Harry Kendall Thaw (1871 – 1947)

Murder of architect Stanford White (1853 – 1906)

Evelyn Nesbit (1884 – 1967)

(underage girl + older man is sure ingredient for scandalous trial)

(Jeffrey Epstein)

(Joey Buttafuco)

(Pudgy lawyer whose mother whored out her teenage daughters for his depraved needs)

(Christie Brinkley divorce case)

(Eliot Spitzer)

IDK, check the NY Post archives for more references

Generational Jump:

(Stanford was 47 / Thaw was 29 / Evelyn Nesbit was 16)

Harry Kendall Thaw was Evelyn’s jealous husband

*sexual jealousy* / *high society*

“You see, it had in it wealth, degeneracy, rich old wasters, delectable young chorus girls and adolescent artists’ models; the behind-the-scenes of Theatredom and the Underworld, and the Great White Way…. the abnormal pastimes and weird orgies of overly aesthetic artists and jaded debauchees. In the cast of the motley show were Bowery toughs, Harlem gangsters, Tenderloin panderers, Broadway leading men, Fifth Avenue clubmen, Wall Street manipulators, uptown voluptuaries and downtown thugs.”

In the sexual battleground, victory of youthful intensity over mature stability:

Evelyn Nesbit as Scarlett Johannsen

Thaw vs. White in sexual competition for ‘chorus girls’

Then Thaw learns that White is pursuing Nesbit

She lands in the hospital with appendicitis

A naked nymphet pushed in a red velvet swing by her ‘sponsor’ Stanford

(he claimed her virginity for his own)

(this is the ultimate victory / at the end of her life she reported that ‘Stanny’ was the only man she ever loved)

(I learned this in ‘Biology of Aggression’ / first one in wins)

She was also romanced by John Barrymore during this time

(1882 – 1942)

Greatest American actor of his generation

Barrymore impregnated Nesbitt twice

(sign of youthful virility)

(Richard Burton, the greatest actor of his generation, died on my birthday)

So Stanford sent her away to an NJ boarding school

Thaw liked to whip adolescent boys

(the young teenage males always get the short end of the stick)

(Thaw was also a cokehead)

‘Trust fund baby’ Thaw wedded Nesbitt in 1905

The couple ran into White in 1906

Finally, under duress, Evelyn admitted to Thaw that Stanford White had indeed taken her virginity, and she claimed that she was unworthy to be Thaw’s wife. This enraged Thaw, but did not dissuade his desire for her hand in marriage. He soon packed Mrs. Nesbit off to New York and took Evelyn to an isolated German castle, where he forced himself on Evelyn and beat her repeatedly with a dog whip. Perhaps out of fear, Evelyn nonetheless stayed with Thaw, eventually convincing him to let her return to New York.

Thaw fired 3 shots at close range into Stanford White’s face

Evelyn testified on Thaw’s behalf

(she was promised a divorce and monetary compensation)

(she got the divorce / but not the dough)

Trial #1: Jury Deadlocked

Trial #2: Found Not Guilty By Reason Of Insanity

Sent to mental hospital in Upstate NY (enjoys nearly complete freedom)

Escapes to Canadian border (1913)

Jury declares him sane (1915)

Thaw becomes ‘folk hero’ in United States

Then he horsewhips and sexually assaults Fred Gump, a teenage boy

Again he is declared insane and sent to an asylum until 1924

Then he lives an eccentric quiet life in small-town Virginia

Then he decided to go into the filmmaking business

(about ‘fake spiritualists’)

He hires Hollywood writers and doesn’t pay them

(he decides to make a film on his own life)

Moves to Florida (1944)

Dies of a heart attack (1947)

(this sounds like ‘Lolita’)

Nesbit continues a career as moderately successful vaudeville performer, silent film actress and cafe manager.  She tries killing herself a couple of times.  In 1916 she marries her dancing partner Jack Clifford (1880 – 1956).  He left her 2 years later, and they formalized the divorce in 1933.

Then she gives an ‘exclusive interview’ to the New York Times claiming that she and Thaw were to reunite, but nothing comes of it

(just like Amy Fisher and Joey Buttafuco did)

Then she moved to New Jersey, kept trying to kill herself, and got hooked on alcohol and morphine.  Why she even taught classes in ceramics!

The Girl In The Red Velvet Swing (1955 film)

*she died of old age in a nursing home*


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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