*history of ‘human technology’*





(begins ‘3.4 million years ago’)

(oldest indirect evidence of ‘stone tools’ are dated back to ‘3.4 million years ago’)

(‘fossilized animal bone’ w/ ‘tool marks’)

(‘lower awash valley’)




(began with the rise of ‘sumer’)

(~4500 BCE)

(coincided with the development of the ‘written word’)




(began with the ‘bronze age collapse’)

(~1200 BCE)



(the history of technology is the ‘history’ of the ‘invention’ of ‘tools’ + ‘techniques’)

(the history of technology is one of the categories of the ‘history of humanity’)

(‘technology’ can refer to methods ranging from as simple as ‘stone tools’ to the complex ‘genetic engineering’ + ‘information technology’ that has emerged since the ‘1980s’)


(the term ‘technology’ comes from…)

*the greek word ‘techne’ (meaning ‘art’ / ‘craft’)*

*the greek word ‘logos’ (meaning ‘word’ / ‘speech’)*


(it was first used to describe ‘applied arts’, but it is now used to described ‘advancements’ + ‘changes’ which affect the ‘environment’ around us)

(‘new knowledge’ has enabled people to create ‘new things’)

(conversely, many ‘scientific endeavors’ are made possible by ‘technologies’ which assist ‘humans’ in traveling to ‘places’ they could not previously reach, and by ‘scientific instruments’ by which we study ‘nature’ in more detail than our ‘natural senses’ allow)

(since much of ‘technology’ is ‘applied science’, ‘technical history’ is connected to the ‘history of science’)

(since ‘technology’ uses ‘resources’, ‘technical history’ is tightly connected to ‘economic history’)

(from those ‘resources’, ‘technology’ produces other ‘resources’, including technological artifacts used in ‘everyday life’)

(‘technological change’ affects (+ is affected by) a society’s ‘cultural traditions’)

(it is a force for ‘economic growth’ + a means to ‘develop’ + ‘project’ (‘economic’ / ‘political’ / ‘military’) power + ‘wealth’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“OUR MACHINES″*☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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