*the human reproductive system*









*the ‘human reproductive system’ usually involves ‘internal fertilization’ via ‘sexual intercourse’*


(in this process, the ‘male’ inserts his ‘penis’ into the female’s ‘vagina’ + ejaculates ‘semen’ (which contains ‘sperm’))

(a small proportion of the ‘sperm’ pass through the ‘cervix’ into the ‘uterus’, and then into the ‘fallopian tubes’ for ‘fertilization’ of the ‘ovum’)


*only 1 sperm is required to ‘fertilize’ the ‘ovum’*


(upon successful ‘fertilization’, the ‘fertilized ovum’ (or ‘zygote’) travels out of the ‘fallopian tube’ and into the ‘uterus’, where it implants in the ‘uterine wall’)

(this marks the beginning of ‘gestation’ (better known as ‘pregnancy’) which continues for around 9 months as the ‘foetus’ develops)

(when the ‘fetus’ has developed to a certain point, ‘pregnancy’ is concluded with ‘child-birth’ (involving ‘labor’)

“it is NOT “foetus” you annoying flowery brits!!!*

(during ‘labor’, the muscles of the ‘uterus’ contract + the ‘cervix’ dilates over the course of ‘hours’ + the ‘baby’ passes out of the ‘vagina’)

(‘human infants’ are nearly ‘helpless’ + require high levels of ‘parental care’)

(‘infants’ rely on their ‘care-givers’ for ‘comfort’ / ‘cleanliness’ / ‘food’)


(‘food’ may be provided by ‘breast-feeding’ or ‘formula feeding’)


(the ‘female reproductive system’ has 2 functions…)

*produce ‘egg cells’*

*’protect’ + ‘nourish’ the ‘fetus’ until ‘birth’*


(the ‘male reproductive system’ has 1 ‘function’…)

*to ‘produce’ (+ ‘deposit’) ‘sperm’*


(‘humans’ have a high level of ‘sexual differentiation’)


(in addition to differences in nearly every ‘reproductive organ’, there are numerous differences in typical ‘secondary sex characteristics’)








👈👈👈☜**11 SYSTEMS OF ‘THE HUMAN BODY’* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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