jake boynton


(born 17 may 1987)
(from boston MA)
(bassist for wobblesauce)

MAY 2016:

“hey dude! did you see this yet? check out the new Wobblesauce video we just released with The Untz! please give it a share!”


“amanda lynn”

  • Jake Boynton
    5/12, 2:38pm

    Jake Boynton

    Haha ya that’s my girlfriend! U know her?

  • JoGa Bot
    5/12, 2:38pm

    JoGa Bot

    If ud ever let me sing we’d rock the world

    U have a crazy beast on your hands

    I have a hotter gf

  • Jake Boynton
    5/12, 2:39pm

  • JoGa Bot
    5/12, 2:39pm

    JoGa Bot

    But I’d fuck her

  • Jake Boynton
    5/12, 2:39pm

    Jake Boynton

    Haha ok man peace

  • JoGa Bot
    5/12, 2:40pm

    JoGa Bot

    I love u

  • Jake Boynton
    5/12, 2:40pm

    Jake Boynton

    Don’t talk like that then

  • JoGa Bot
    5/12, 2:41pm

    JoGa Bot

    I’m A crazy genius musician

    Are u a crazy genius musician too?

  • Jake Boynton
    5/12, 2:42pm

    Jake Boynton

    Nope and I think our conversation is over

  • JoGa Bot
    5/12, 2:42pm

    JoGa Bot

    Do u remember where we met?

    WadZilla mansion

    March 2010

  • JoGa Bot
    5/12, 5:26pm

    JoGa Bot

    I’m a valuable contract…u throw me away and you will die a jam band death

MARCH 2010:

(met him @ wadzilla mansion)

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  1. jacob | *JoGa Jungle*

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