
-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]




*”jet.com” is an american ‘e-commerce company’ headquartered in ‘hoboken’ / (‘new jersey’)*


(the ‘company’ was cofounded by entrepreneur ‘marc lore’ (who’ had sold his previous company (‘diapers.com’), to ‘amazon.com’) along with ‘mike hanrahan’ + ‘nate faust’, and has raised ‘$820 million’ over 4 ‘venture rounds’ from firms including…)

‘google ventures’

‘goldman sachs’

‘bain capital ventures’

‘accel partners’

‘alibaba group’



(the site was publicly launched in ‘july 2015’)


(it was announced on ‘8 august 2016’, that ‘walmart’ would acquire ‘jet.com’ for $3.3 billion (‘$3 billion’ in ‘cash’ and up to ‘$300 million’ in ‘stock paid out over time’ to the ‘founders’ and other ‘selected individuals’ at the ‘company’))


(as of ’19 september 2016′ (the ‘closing date’ of the ‘deal’), it ceased being an ‘independent company’, and is now a subsidiary of ‘walmart’)










*-WALMART-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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