-our [bodyguards]-

-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]


“the ultimate ‘service'”


(aka “taking one for ‘the team'”)




(how much does an average “bodyguard” cost?)

(like cops, by accepting the role of “bodyguard” (for day) you are intrinsically admitting that your life is less important than a “VIP”)

(all based on how much you are paid)

(and the inherent risk to your own life involved)

(and your “skill” as a “defender against violence”)

(just as cops accept that their lives are intrinsically less “important” than those in the area he has “sworn to protect”)

(or ‘soldiers’ with regards to “civilians”)

(if this were the ONLY requirement, it would still be a shitty job)

(but it also requires lots of work to maintain the job while your life is NOT on the line)

(there should be special units in “law enforcement agencies” that specialize in “putting self in line of fire”)

(as well as skills involved with maintaining your wits in the face of “clear and present danger”)

(what is risk of “death on the job” by average “bodyguard”)

(a “cop kamikaze” if you will)

(unlike “firemen”)

(what is the most dangerous occupation?)

(besides “soldier”)

(coal miner?)

(and does the “capitalist system” truly reward them for the risks they take on the “job”?)



👈👈👈☜*-BODYGUARDS-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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