*'order' of 'saint augustine'*




(latin: ordo sancti augustini,

abbreviated as O.S.A. —

historically ordo eremitarum sancti augustini”,


the “order of hermits of ‘saint augustine'”),

generally called ‘augustinians’,

or ‘austin friars’,

(not to be confused with the ‘augustinian canons regular’)


*the order of saint augustine is a ‘catholic religious order’, which, although more ‘ancient’, was formally created in the ’13th century’ and combined several previous ‘augustinian eremetical orders’ into 1*


(in its establishment in its current form, it was shaped as a mendicant ‘order’, one of the 4 great ‘orders’ which follow that way of life)

(the ‘order’ has done much to extend the influence of the ‘church’, to propagate the ‘roman catholic faith’, and to advance ‘learning’)


(the ‘order’ has, in particular, spread internationally the veneration of the ‘virgin mary’ under the title of ‘our lady of good counsel’ (mater boni consilii))

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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