


(“paige” is a given name for males and females)

It is of Latin origin (Byzantine “Págius” young boy helper/mate of young nobles, from “padius” young boy, derived from Greek “Paidion” child) and its meaning is “young helper” or “young child”. A page in medieval households was usually a young boy whose service was the first step in his training as a knight. Use may possibly indicate an ancestor who was a page.

In modern times Paige has become a given name, generally given to girls living in North America since the middle of the 20th century, but also occasionally to boys. Page, Paij, Payj, and Payge are alternative spellings for the given name.

(nicknames Include: Pai, Pagina, Paje, Paigrue and “paigie”)

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  1. female names | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “female names” (beginning in “P”) | *JoGa Jungle*

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