
-as of [19 FEBRUARY 2025]










“i’ve just won the ‘lottery’…now find me some ‘property’…”


*in the ‘abstract’, property is that which belongs ‘to’ or ‘with’ something, whether as an ‘attribute’ or as a ‘component of’ said ‘thing’*


(in the context of this article, ‘property’ is 1 or more ‘components’ (rather than ‘attributes’), whether ‘physical’ or ‘incorporeal’, of a person’s ‘estate’; or so ‘belonging to’, as in ‘being owned by’, a ‘person’ or jointly a ‘group of people’ or a ‘legal entity’ like a ‘corporation’ or even a ‘society’)


(given such ‘meaning’, the word ‘property’ is ‘uncountable’, and as such, is not described with an ‘indefinite article’ or as ‘plural’)


(depending on the nature of the ‘property’, an ‘owner’ of ‘property’ has the right to…)











‘give away’




‘exclude others from doing these things’


‘abandon it’


(whereas regardless of the ‘nature’ of the ‘property’, the ‘owner’ thereof has the right to ‘properly use it’ (as a ‘durable’, ‘mean’, or ‘factor’, etc), or at the very least ‘exclusively keep it’)


(in ‘economics’ + ‘political economy’, there are 3 broad forms of ‘property’…)

‘private property’

‘public property’

‘collective property’

*aka ‘cooperative property’*


(‘property’ that jointly belongs to more than 1 ‘party’ may be ‘possessed’ or ‘controlled’ thereby in very ‘similar’ or very ‘distinct’ ways, whether ‘simply’ or ‘complexly’, whether ‘equally’ or ‘unequally’)

(however, there is an expectation that each party’s ‘will’ (aka ‘discretion’) with regard to the ‘property’ be clearly ‘defined’ and ‘unconditional’, so as to distinguish ‘ownership’ and easement from ‘rent’)

(the ‘parties’ might expect their ‘wills’ to be ‘unanimous’, or alternately every given one of them, when no opportunity for or possibility of ‘dispute’ with any other of them exists, may expect his, her, its or their own will to be ‘sufficient’ and ‘absolute’)

(“the restatement (first) of property” defines ‘property’ as anything, (‘tangible’ or ‘intangible’) whereby a ‘legal relationship’ between ‘persons’ and the ‘state’ enforces a possessory interest or legal title in that thing)

(this mediating relationship between individual, property and state is called a ‘property regime’)

(in ‘sociology’ + ‘anthropology’, ‘property’ is often defined as a “relationship between 2 or more ‘individuals’ and an ‘object’, in which at least one of these individuals holds a ‘bundle of rights’ over the ‘object’)

(the distinction between “collective property” and “private property” is regarded as a ‘confusion’ since different ‘individuals’ often hold differing ‘rights’ over a ‘single object’)


(important widely recognized types of ‘property’ include…)

“real property”

(the “combination of ‘land’ and any improvements ‘to’ (or ‘on’) the ‘land'”)


“personal property”

(‘physical possessions’ belonging to a ‘person’)


“private property”

(‘property owned by ‘legal persons’, ‘business entities’, or ‘individual natural persons’)


“public property”

(‘”state owned”‘ or “publicly owned”)


(“available ‘possessions”)



“intellectual property”

(aka ‘exclusive rights over “artistic creations”, “inventions”, etc)

(although ‘intellectual property’ is not always as ‘widely recognized’ or ‘enforced’)


(an ‘article of property’ may have ‘physical’ + ‘incorporeal’ parts)


(a ‘title’ (aka “right of ownership”), establishes the relation between the ‘property’ and other ‘persons’, assuring the ‘owner’ the right to dispose of the ‘property’ as the ‘owner’ sees ‘fit’)








πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ ☜ *β€œTHE MACHINE”*☞ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰









πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯*we won the war* πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯