
-as of [6 FEBRUARY 2025]











*AKA* –>

“running water”

“city water”

“town water”

“municipal water”

“sink water”



*’tap water’ is ‘water’ supplied to a ‘tap’ (aka ‘valve’)*


(Its uses include




and the flushing of toilets.


Indoor tap water is distributed through “indoor plumbing”, which has existed since antiquity but was available to very few people until the second half of the 19th century when it began to spread in popularity in what are now developed countries.

Tap water became common in many regions during the 20th century, and is now lacking mainly among people in poverty, especially in developing countries.

Tap water is often culturally assumed to be drinking water, especially in developed countries.

Usually it is potable, although water quality problems are not rare.

Household water purification methods such as water filters, boiling, or distillation can be used when tap water’s potability is doubted.

The application of technologies (such as water treatment plants) involved in providing clean water to homes, businesses, and public buildings is a major subfield of sanitary engineering.


(calling a water supply “tap water” distinguishes it from the other main types of ‘fresh water’ which may be available…)

(these include…)

*water from ‘rainwater-collecting cisterns’*

*water from ‘village pumps’ or ‘town pumps’*

*water from ‘wells’*

*water carried from [‘streams’ / ‘rivers’ / ‘lakes’]*

(whose ‘potability’ may vary)


(in NYC, landlords are required to supply running water as a component of ‘rent’)


(‘indoor plumbing’ has existed since ‘antiquity’)

(it was available to very few until the second half of 19th century)

(for those in newly developed countries)

(NYC tap water is highly rated)


water impurities:

(‘lead’ + ‘copper’ from ‘water pipes’)


(“tap water” (running water, city water, town water, municipal water, etc.) is water supplied to a ‘tap’ (‘valve’))

(its uses include ‘drinking’, ‘washing’, ‘cooking’, and the ‘flushing of toilets’)

(i hear the flushing of toilets on “arc 38″…
)so meet me there izl good…)
just like i knew that you would…)

(in second half of the 19th century “indoor plumbing” began to propagate in what are now “developed countries”)

(“tap water” became common in many regions during the 20th century, and is now lacking mainly among people in ‘poverty’, especially in ‘developing countries’)

(“tap water” is often culturally assumed to be “drinking water”, especially in ‘developed countries’)

(usually it is ‘potable’, although water quality problems are not rare)

(household water purification methods such as ‘water filters’, ‘boiling’, or ‘distillation’ can be used when tap water’s ‘potability’ is doubted)

(the application of technologies (such as ‘water treatment plants’) involved in providing clean water to ‘homes’, ‘businesses’, and ‘public buildings’ is a major subfield of ‘sanitary engineering’)

(calling a water supply “tap water” distinguishes it from the other main types of fresh water which may be available; these include ‘water from rainwater-collecting cisterns’, ‘water from village pumps or town pumps’, or ‘water carried from streams, rivers, or lakes’ (whose ‘potability’ may vary))

(“potable” –> “safe to drink”)








πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ ☜ *β€œWATER BRANDS”*


*β€œUTILITIES”* ☞ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰









πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯*we won the war* πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯