*sensory systems*















Other senses that have been well-accepted in most mammals, including humans, include




and thermoception.

Furthermore, some nonhuman animals have been shown to possess alternate senses, including magnetoception and electroreception.[4]


*the sensory nervous system is a part of the ‘nervous system’ responsible for processing ‘sensory information’*



*a sensory system consists of…*


‘sensory neurons’
(including the ‘sensory receptor cells’)



‘neural pathways’



*parts of the ‘brain’ involved in ‘sensory perception’*



*commonly recognized ‘sensory systems’ are those for…*













(n short, ‘senses’ are ‘transducers’ from the ‘physical world to the [‘realm’ of the ‘mind’] where we ‘interpret’ the ‘information’, creating our ‘perception’ of the ‘world’ around us)


(organisms need information to solve at least 3 kinds of problems…)

*to maintain an ‘appropriate environment’*
(ie ‘homeostasis’)


*to time activities (eg ‘seasonal changes in behavior’) or synchronize activities with those of ‘conspecifics’*


*to locate and respond to resources (or ‘threats’)*
(eg ‘moving towards resources’ or ‘evading / attacking threats’)


(organisms also need to transmit information in order to influence another’s behavior: to identify themselves, warn conspecifics of danger, coordinate activities, or deceive)

The receptive field is the area of the body or environment to which a receptor organ and receptor cells respond.

(for instance, the part of the world an eye can see, is its ‘receptive field’)

(the light that each rod or cone can see, is its receptive field)


(‘receptive fields’ have been identified for the…) 

‘visual system’

‘auditory system’

‘somato-sensory system’

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. systems | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “list of ‘systems’” (human body) | *JoGa Jungle*
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