
-as of [26 JULY 2024]






-a ‘hair care product’ – typically in the form of a ‘viscous liquid’ – that is used for cleaning ‘hair’-


(less commonly, ‘shampoo’ is available in a ‘bar form’ (like a ‘soap bar’))

(‘shampoo’ is used by applying it to wet hair, massaging the product into the hair, and then rinsing it out)

(some users may follow a ‘shampooing’ with the use of ‘hair conditioner’)

(the goal of using ‘shampoo’ is to remove the unwanted ‘build-up’ in the ‘hair’ without stripping out so much ‘sebum’ as to make hair unmanageable)

(‘shampoo’ is generally made by combining a ‘surfactant’, most often ‘sodium lauryl sulfate’ or ‘sodium laureth sulfate’, with a ‘co-surfactant’, most often ‘cocamidopropyl betaine’ in ‘water’)

(‘specialty shampoos’ are available for people with ‘dandruff’, ‘color-treated hair’, ‘gluten or wheat allergies’, ‘an interest in using an “all-natural”, “organic”, “botanical” or “plant-derived” product’, and ‘infants’ and ‘young children’ (“baby shampoo” is less irritating))


(there are also ‘shampoos’ intended for ‘animals’ that may contain ‘insecticides’ or other ‘medications’ for treatment of ‘skin conditions’ / ‘parasite infestations’ such as ‘fleas’*








👈👈👈☜*“HAIR CARE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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