










daily shower
(after morning smoke / run / meal)

(i don’t know if i can keep up the grooming / exercise routine everyday)



*weekly “exfoliation”*

the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin’s outermost surface

27 april 2015:

finally showered up after experiencing booze withdrawal all day…i hadn’t showered since thursday morning…4 days without showering…juan stopped over and we smoked a bowl @ 5:30pm…then i finally jumped in the shower…

15 december 2014:

have not showered since wednesday…it is now monday evening…maniac noted the shit stain on the seat of my pants today…

got back…showered / brushed teeth / clipped nails…now everything’s clean again…preparing to drink + smoke + edit…


i take a shower and brush my teeth

forced myself to take a shower + brush my teeth + clip my nails

gotta clean up my act

gotta clean up my act

gotta clean up my act

i need to clean up my act
(and heal)

i should just go get energy drinks and take a fucking shower

i need to take a shower to rid myself of swampass

took a half-shower just to clear out my swampass

i’ve got terrible swampass
(i had to rinse out my ass in the shower again today)

28 may 2014:

i haven’t showered since friday night…
(it is now wednesday night)

2 june 2014:

showered on friday @ noon…

which means i haven’t showered in over 3 days…

5 june 2014:

late night shower on tuesday night
(now it’s thursday afternoon and i haven’t showered since then)

9 june 2014:

mike told me i should shower on thursday night before sleeping on his couch…i humored him and took a shower without actually washing myself…i slept in the same clothes anyway…from that point on i didn’t shower until monday afternoon when i was back at the motel…

25 june 2014:

i went another week without showering…i’ve got to shower in preparation for cheryl’s visit tomorrow afternoon…

1 july 2014:

finally showered today…i needed that…

7 july 2014:

another week without showering…finally showered today…although i hope the janitors bring me fresh sheets…starting to get pimples all over the body once again…most notably right smack in the middle of my unibrow…

14 july 2014:

another week without showering…if i’m not required to meet with anyone i don’t bother showering…seems cheryl’s weekly visits were keeping me in check…

31 july 2014:

another week without showering…i am disgusting…i have to shower today…

18 august 2014:

went another 5 days without showering…now i run to force myself to shower…

2 september 2014:

i finally showered (in preparation of a meeting with elisa)…feels invigorating…again i went for almost 5 days without showering…

9 september 2014:

i showered on friday morning before departing for NYC…now it’s tuesday afternoon and i still haven’t showered…will cheryl bring clean clothes?  i’m out of them…

18 october 2014:

forced myself to shower and clean up my act this afternoon…although i’m out of clean clothes…fighting the DTs…and i shaved the bottom of my beard (which just clogged the damn sink)…before that i hadn’t showered since monday…in preparation for my evaluation…

20 october 2014:

now that i have clean clothes i can finally shower again…start fresh on tuesday…21 october 2014…now you just have to get your fucking acoustic guitar fixed / find a job / find an apartment…deal with “substance abuse” treatment (and not use any substances)…and deal with welfare woman elisa…

1 december 2014:

have not showered since wednesday evening…it is now monday evening…5 days in the same clothes…what the fuck is the matter with me?

and took a shower for the first time in a week…

now i need another shower…

at least i took a shower yesterday

(last showered on monday)

took a shower because of asshole rot

at least i took a shower and cleaned up my act…and the janitors cleaned my room…

neck is feeling better after hot shower…MMB was right…

take a run to mercer library…do some blogging and bandcamp updates…then take a shower and prepare to sing for my supper…

i’ve gotta clean up my fucking act…haven’t showered since wednesday…

finally took a shower…

i feel dirty even though i showered tuesday…

take a shower…

morning shower

i feel sloppy today…haven’t showered since friday…

took a shower / brushed teeth / shaved underbeard…debated going to wednesday karaoke night but ultimately decided against it…i didn’t want to go out there just to be turned away at the door…and now if i go out to dinner tomorrow i won’t make another chance to show up those douchebags…those idiots (bouncers / john the drunk / dorothy / elisa / cops) were all shitty forces in my life…and the parents didn’t help (by fueling dorothy with negative information)…notice how there’s not one sympathetic young chick in the mix?…just middle-aged nudges…

really bad crotch irritation

(caused by the shower?)

tomorrow shower / shave / exercise

and prepare yourself for the “rehab call”

finally showered / brushed teeth / cleaned up act sometime before 1pm

another sickly day

(from all those burgers / cigarettes / energy drinks yesterday)

(along with lack of showering / brushing / exercise / changing clothes + sheets)

so i went to the library to surf the web…

got soaked by the rain on the way back…

(my version of a shower)

ruined the flash drive + phone in my pocket

(as i chatted with michael anthony)

and the half-cigarette

my resolve was gone by the time i got back to the motel room

another week without showering / brushing teeth…what the fuck am i doing?…there are probably bugs in my hair…

cleaned up my act

still haven’t cleaned up my act…

still haven’t cleaned up my act…

still haven’t cleaned up my act…

cleaned up my act…cleaned up the room…shaved bottom of beard…new toothbrush + razorblade…put hair into ponytail…ripped the old man mask when i was trying to put it on…went for “the mask” (ala the jim carrey movie)…we went to see this for one of my birthday parties (12?)…ponytail tie keeps falling off…gotta wear a workout turtleneck because i don’t have a green neck…and the brown hair coming out of the mask looks goofy…

cleaned up my act…and the room…

nasty farts…gotta clean up my act…

cleaned up the act on wednesday afternoon…bought a 6-pack of natty ices and drank 2 1/2 before leaving for princeton…

gotta clean up my act…

cleaned up my act…

OK…i’m all cleaned up…(room is as clean as it’s gonna get)

i really want to clean up my act and go to karaoke tonight…

now gotta clean up my act

finally cleaned up my act…

gotta clean up my act tomorrow…

i’ve got to clean up my act or my teeth will start rotting…

and shave this fucking beard…

will i clean up my act today?

i’m going to need to clean up my act anyway…

at least it motivated me to clean up my act

gotta clean up the act tomorrow…maybe shave the beard…

and start exercising

(although this will only require more calories i can’t afford)

“sebaceous gland”

secrete oily + waxy matter called “sebum” to the skin to “lubricate and waterproof” skin + hair

(small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweat)

eccrine sweat glands are found only in primates and reach their greatest development in humans.  they are distributed all over the body (except for the lips, tip of penis and clitoris) although their density varies from region to region.

humans utilize eccrine sweat glands as primary form of cooling…

the human thermal eccrine system has evolved in concert with bipedalism and development of smooth hairless skin:

apocrine sweat glands are larger, have different mechanism of secretion, and are limited to axilla (“armpits”) and perianal areas in humans.  

although apocrine glands contribute little to cooling in humans, they are the only effective sweat glands in hoofed animals such as the donkey, cow, horse, and camel.  

most other mammals, such as cats, dogs and pigs, rely on panting or other means for thermal regulation and have sweat glands only in foot pads and snout.  

(the sweat produced on pads of paws and on palms and soles mostly serves to increase friction and enhance grip)

“goosebumps” form at the base of body hairs when a person is cold or experiences strong emotion (or sexual arousal)…

daily shower
(after morning smoke / run / meal)

(i don’t know if i can keep up the grooming / exercise routine everyday)



👈👈👈☜*“GROOMING”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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