swingers (lyrics)

a swinger…in search of swings…
a single…so sick of things…
a symbol of what went wrong…
a singer sing single song…

a swinger in search of swings
a thinger in need of things
a singer in need of song
a right-winger who just went wrong

a poet produced by pot
a little that means a lot
a filler produced by phil
a killer reduced to nil


my hero of heroes
my nero of zeroes

in the thick of things…

a swinger in search of swings
a single so sick of things

all thinking of love love love love….

a singer in need of song
a winner who just went wrong

all thinking of love love love love….

this ain’t no loaner, it’s a street vendor
this ain’t no salesman, it’s a big spender
this ain’t no mailman, it’s a transgender

the first man who longs to be last….
a dead man so sick of his past…

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  1. swingers | *JoGa Jungle*

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