*the california sound*






*’JAN’ + ‘DEAN’*





(“the california sound” is a ‘popular music aesthetic’ that originates with american ‘pop’ and ‘rock’ recording artists from ‘southern california’ in the 1960s)


(it was first related to the california myth, an idyllic narrative inspired by the state’s ‘beach culture’ that commonly appeared in the lyrics of ‘commercial pop songs’)

(later, the “sound” was expanded outside of its initial ‘geography’ and ‘subject matter’)
(developed to be more ‘sophisticated’ / bred “studio experimentation”)

(a ‘derivative form’ of it was later classified as “sunshine pop”)

(the “sound” was originally identified for harnessing a ‘wide-eyed’, ‘sunny’ optimism that marked “southern california” teenage life in the ‘late 1950s’ and ‘early 1960s’)

(its imagery is primarily represented by “brian wilson” and the “beach boys”, who are credited for the sound’s instigation via their debut single “surfin'” in ‘1961’)

(along with “jan and dean”, the ‘beach boys’ encapsulated ‘surfing’, ‘hot rod culture’, and ‘youthful innocence’ within music which transformed a local lifestyle into ‘american mythology’)


(other ‘propellants’ included the following ‘songwriters’ and/or ‘record producers”…)

“gary usher”

“curt boettcher”

“bruce johnston”

“terry melcher”

“roger christian”


(the ‘beach boys’ surf music was not entirely of their own ‘invention’, being preceded by artists such as “dick dale”)

(however, previous ‘surf musicians’ did not project a world view as the “beach boys” did)


(“the california sound” gradually evolved to reflect a more ‘musically ambitious’ / ‘mature’ world view;, becoming less to do with ‘surfing’ and ‘cars’ and more about ‘social consciousness’ + ‘political awareness’)


(between ‘1964’ + ‘1969’, it fueled ‘innovation’ / ‘transition’, inspiring artists to tackle largely unmentioned themes such as…)

‘sexual freedom’

‘black pride’


‘oppositional politics’,

(a slew of) ‘countercultural motifs’

and ‘war’)









👈👈👈☜*“PAST MASTERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “the beach boys” | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “past masters” | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “dick dale” | *JoGa Jungle*

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