*the future*




(earth’s orbit will eventually ‘decay’ due to “tidal effects” + “drag”)

(causing it to enter the sun’s atmosphere and be ‘vaporized”)


(leap year)


(common year)


(common year)


*the future is the ‘time’ after the ‘present’*


(its ‘arrival’ is considered ‘inevitable due to the existence of ‘time’ + the laws of ‘physics’)


(due to the ‘apparent nature’ of ‘reality’ + the ‘unavoidability’ of the ‘future’, everything that currently ‘exists’ (+ ‘will exist’) can be categorized as either…)

(meaning that it will ‘exist’ forever)


(meaning that it will ‘end’)


(in the ‘occidental view’, which uses a ‘linear conception’ of ‘time’, the future is the portion of the ‘projected timeline’ that is anticipated to occur)

(in ‘special relativity’, the ‘future’ is considered ‘absolute future’, or the ‘future light cone’)

(in the ‘philosophy’ of ‘time’, ‘presentism’ is the belief that only the ‘present’ exists + the ‘future’ + the ‘past’ are ‘unreal‘)

(religions consider the ‘future’ when they address issues such as ‘karma’, “‘life’ after ‘death'”, + ‘eschatologies’ that study what the end of time + the ‘end of the world’ will be)

(‘religious figures’ (such as ‘prophets’ + ‘diviners’) have claimed to see into the ‘future’)

(‘future studies’ (or ‘futurology’) is the — ‘science’ / ‘art’ / ‘practice’ of postulating possible ‘futures’)

(modern practitioners stress the importance of ‘alternative’ + ‘plural’ futures (rather than 1 ‘monolithic future’) + the limitations of ‘prediction’ + ‘probability’, versus the creation of ‘possible’ + ‘preferable’ futures)

(the concept of the ‘future’ has been explored extensively in ‘cultural production’, including ‘art movements’ + ‘genres’ devoted entirely to its ‘elucidation’…)


*such as the 20th-century movement…*
















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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