-25 FEBRUARY 2012-




(“michael anthony turns 28”)

(i was never supposed to be there in the first place)

the yukon’s battery died once again.

and yet i persisted and called up a taxi to take me to the point pleasant train station…

i was thoroughly hammered on bacardi 151…

along the way, i encountered a cute blondie named “ashley” dressed up in a batman outfit…

she was 18 years old and worked @ the local boston market in brick…

i headed to greenwich street out of WTC PATH station…

it began @ “lupa” (west houston + thompson)

after our dinner @ lupa, we headed to the “merck bar”…

we encountered a variety of females…

champ was kind enough to inconspicuously hand me $80 for the night which i subsequently spent on a stream of gin ‘n tonics…

first i hit on some buxom older chipmunk…

she recounted her vacation @ costa rica the week before and noted that “if i were there, you’d be just the guy i’d hit on” (she was attending a friend’s wedding)…

i believe her name was “jodi”…

she had such a stimulating way of making eye contact…

she resembled the prostitute from the “cable guy” (as well as jenna bush)…

she was probably ’round age 32…

she was accompanied by a blondie with a brit financier boyfriend…

she claimed i was “too young” for her (or rather, she was “too old” for me)…

as the night progressed, she started lying and claiming the brit financier for her own…

(a busty brunette with a blonde sidekick with sexy facial expressions, a white sweater, a penchant for fine beers, and pretending that her friend’s british boytoy (a stockbroker of sorts) was her bf to get me off her back)

(i lied about my age in the younger direction because i thought she was younger than me!)

so i progressed to the gaggle of gals that our group had already ingratiated ourselves with…

“taylor” seemed quite into me (though she seemed to be into every other male as well)…

“diane capasso” seemed to be the proverbial blonde italiana cockblock…

her friend “rachel spector” (who suspiciously resembled a “rachel lopez” that randomly friended me, as well as a slew of harvard dudes, on FB the year before) definitely wanted to fuck me but diana’s cockblock proved utterly overwhelming…

so i made my way to another busty blonde chick who gave all the right signals but soon departed…

(i ended up in a debate with a slightly older blondie corporate cone who initially underestimated me but by the end of our chat was all wet (of course by that time i was already turned off…))

i ended up @ “verona deli” where i was thoroughly overcharged for two slices of pizza…

champ subsequently informed me that i could easily negotiate the price down…

this advice came in handy the following evening(s)…

i consoled myself by catching up on “HBO On Demand” @ champ’s apartment couch…

(his internet connection, like my prior one, was “roadrunner”)

on saturday morning, we hit up the “moonstruck deli”…

i ordered a “peasant omelette” with no tomato…

we hit up the “park avenue tavern” on saturday night with tyler stoviak + co.

the man guarding the door just happened to be “uncle junior’s” son.

i recalled him hosting an open mic @ “gizzi’s” back in the spring of 2007.

he was “dominic junior”.

champ was thoroughly embroiled w/ a blondie who worked for “MTV/Sony” as i fixated on her arabic friend “sara khatib”…

we turned down the ‘cellar bar’ after they tried bribing us for $20 admission and made our way to “brother jimmy’s”…

at that point, a hottie hanger-on “madeline” and kaitlin started clawing at each other over champ…

on sunday morning, champ bought me a “kafi roll”.  delicious!

on sunday night, we once again hit up the park avenue tavern.

we all ordered “bloody marys” (though i still haven’t developed a taste for them).

the tavern burger, however, was delicious.

(on ‘monday morning’, i swigged some ‘whiskey’ (‘maker’s mark’ + ‘johnny walker’ (40% ABV)) and departed the apartment)

(i applied for a server position @ the east village “cafe orlin”)

(i really was just trying to get with the cute dimpled waitress ‘caitlin’ and all the others in their polka-dotted skirts…)

(“simply empty…”)



πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ ☜ *-25 FEBRUARY 2011-*


*-25 FEBRUARY 2013- ☞ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰



πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆβ˜œ*-MICHAEL ANTHONY’S BIRTHDAY-* ☞ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰









πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯*we won the war* πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯