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May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

. *’technology’ / ‘literati’* . 🥀☠️-the faithfully departed-☠️🥀 . *OFFICIAL LINK* . -as of [3 AUGUST 2024]– . -[technorati] was a ‘publisher advertising platform’ that […]

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-data storage vendors-*e-commerce*

May 7, 2013 jogabot 2

-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]– . -AMAZON LIST-(DATA STORAGE) . -JET.COM- . . *’SOLID-STATE DRIVE MANUFACTURERS‘**WIKI-LIST* . . *👨‍🔬🕵️‍♀️🙇‍♀️*SKETCHES*🙇‍♂️👩‍🔬🕵️‍♂️* . . 👈👈👈☜*-DATA STORAGE VENDORS-* ☞ […]

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-antarctic circle-

May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

. . -as of [30 AUGUST 2024]- . -the Antarctic Circle is the most southerly of the 5 major circles of latitude that mark maps […]

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May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

. -as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]– . *OFFICIAL LINK* . *”” is an american ‘e-commerce company’ headquartered in ‘hoboken’ / (‘new jersey’)* . (the ‘company’ […]

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-the equator-

May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

. -as of [30 MARCH 2024]– . *NULL ISLAND* . -an equator is the intersection of the surface of a rotating spheroid (such as a […]

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-our [bodyguards]-

May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]– . “the ultimate ‘service’” . (aka “taking one for ‘the team’”) . -ARV- . (how much does an average “bodyguard” […]