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*the songs of ‘pink floyd’*

May 7, 2013 jogabot 2

*COMPREHENSIVE DISCOGRAPHY**WIKI-LINK* . . *ARNOLD LAYNE* (B-SIDE: “CANDY AND A CURRANT BUN”) (’10 march 1967′) (the debut single of “pink floyd”) (as fronted by ‘syd […]

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“gender bender” (themes)

May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

(written + recorded in ‘spring 2015’) (@ the ‘mounts motel’) (for “the battle of princeton” album) (‘bruce jenner’ –> ‘caitlyn jenner’) (‘she’ came out as […]

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May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

*AMAZON* . *CRAIGSLIST* . *E-BAY* . *”e-commerce” is a transaction of ‘buying’ or ‘selling’ online* . (‘electronic commerce’ draws on technologies such as…) ‘mobile commerce’ […]