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May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

*in ‘law’, a ‘conviction’ is the ‘verdict’ that usually results when a ‘court of law’ finds a defendant ‘guilty’ of a ‘crime’* . (the ‘opposite’ […]

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“criticism of christianity”

May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

(criticism of “christianity” has a long history stretching back to the initial formation of the religion during the “roman empire”) (critics have attacked Christian ‘beliefs’ […]

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-medicaid-*our conclusions*

May 7, 2013 jogabot 0

-as of [21 FEBRUARY 2024]– . (‘republicans’ threaten to eliminate ‘medicaid’) (or at the very least tamper it) (cuz ‘poor people’ shouldn’t be having sex?) […]

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“happily ever after” (spring 2015) (V1)

May 7, 2013 jogabot 1

****************************************************************** (***BACK TO “GONE HOLLYWOOD (TRACKS)”***) ****************************************************************** . **************************************************************…(***BACK TO “HAPPILY EVER AFTER″ (SOUNDTRACKS)***)…(***BACK TO “XXX″***)…(***BACK TO “XXX12″***)…—————————————————————–*TABLE OF CONTENTS*—————————————————————––—————————————————————–*”WE WON THE WAR”*—————————————————————––**************************************************************