Month: May 2013
-overlook medical center-
. -as of [3 MARCH 2024]– . *OFFICIAL LINK* . *SATELLITE VIEW* . ’99 beauvoir avenue’(‘summit’ / ‘NJ’) . -‘overlook hospital’ is a ‘504-bed non-profit […]
“hannah montana”
“miley cyrus” (born ’23 november 1992′) (aka ‘hannah montana’) (disney channel star) ****************************************************************** XXX ********************************************************************************************** (***BACK TO “FICTIONAL ANNES”***) ********************************************************************************************** ******************************************** *TABLE OF CONTENTS* ******************************************** […]
-anna nicole smith-
. *the faithfully departed* (’28 november 1967′ – ‘8 february 2007’) (died @ ‘age 39’) (less than 17 years older than me) . *HER FILMS* […]
Protected: “mother’s day” (lyrics)
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broad street bullies (lyrics)
i met a girl and i knew she was one (dom ba dey wa say say yo) (“satan!”) by time i got her she was […]
Protected: “champ’s chumps”
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Protected: “annie day”
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
-25 february 2012-
*saturday* . “well-beings” (“michael anthony turns 28”) (i was never supposed to be there in the first place) the yukon’s battery died once again. and […]
“our default greetings”
(depending on our relationship with the ‘listener’)(or rather, the person i am ‘greeting’) . “GOOD MORNING!” . “HELLO SIR” . “SUP PUP?” . “HEY NOW!” […]