-simple assault 1-*2012*

‘4 JANUARY 2012’ –>


(i was arrested for simple assault in january 2012 after a physical encounter with the old man at the family residence in watchung)

since the old man reported a scratch on his face, i was arrested (without a wallet or cellphone) and held on $200 bail…t

he old man, the old lady, and the younger sister all filed temporary restraining orders against me…

the restraining orders were lifted at family court for the old lady and the younger sister…

the old man requested that i get a psychiatric evaluation before he would lift his restraining order…

so i complied and the psychiatrist cleared me…i spent a week at somerset county jail before AI bailed me out…my family refused to bail me out and forced me to move my belongings from the premises under supervision of a police officer (to my mother’s mother’s house)…my uncle jimmy claimed that he would bail me out but decided not to (without informing the contact at the watchung police station)…

(it was a wednesday morning)

i had christmas money in the bank

my new year’s show was attended by one friend (james chou)

(i got no female props that night)

my album release “make a wish” did not receive any internet attention

(i had gotten no response from the other music contacts i spent all of december hitting up)

the nassau tennis club tutoring gig fell through

the car wouldn’t start (dead battery?)

(i had no marijuana stash at hand)

i still hadn’t called AAA (or AA for that matter!)

(*cue “AAA”*)

in short, i felt like shit!

(i was relying on booze to lift my spirits)

i started off the day with a 12-pack of budweiser (after finishing off a 1.75L bottle of bacardi the day before)

then i got depressed around 1pm when that buzz started to dissipate

so i raided the master bedroom in the mid-afternoon and downed a shot bottle of jose cuervo from the old man’s underwear drawer

(noting the police report from december 2010 that he kept folded up along with a watchung PBA card)

(i had already downed half of it back in december and filled the rest of the bottle with ginger ale)

as well as a few hearty swigs of ketel one from the bottle he hid in his closet…

(they hid all their booze from me)

my sister was home for my mother’s mother’s brother’s wife’s funeral the following morning @ 11am

at around 4pm, i asked emily to give me a ride to the liquor store in an attempt to patch things up with her

(she seemed willing to go)

my mother, forever meddling in my affairs with other women, told her she “needed to be” at the murowskis at 5pm

so she drove me instead

i got very angry with this unjustified parental interference between adult siblings

(i sensed right away what she was doing)

so i bought a 4L jug of carlo rossi white wine from wine central in warren

(mama was “surprised they served me”)

over the course of a heated argument as she was driving, i spit in her face

grandma skip had arrived at the house so we drove around the block a few times so I could “cool off”

(mama always was embarrassed of me in front of her side of the family)

while walking into the garage, i dropped the wine jug and it shattered

the parents were left to pick up the pieces…

still needing my alcohol fix, i took a run down to the liquor store for a bottle of bacardi

upon my return, grandma skip made some comment about how she wouldn’t have given me any christmas money if she knew I’d spend it on booze

(in truth, i did spend all of that $100 on booze if she wanted to get technical…)

i fell asleep shortly thereafter and woke up sometime around midnight

at which point i started drinking rum

at 4am i flew into a rage

i fired off nasty text messages to danny coury and grandma skip

then i went up to emily’s room to vent some more

mama was sleeping in emily’s bed (ostensibly to “protect her” from me)

she started yelling / this woke up joseph

joseph and i started arguing

i went downstairs and all 3 followed me down

a shoving match ensued between joseph and i

he declared that he’d “held me up” for 3 years

(it’d actually been more like 2 years 9 months if you wanted to get technical)

(after I was laid off from a job he had encouraged me to transfer to 1 year 2 months earlier)

i slapped him in the face (like he used to do to me)

my mother called the police

in front of the 3 police officers (who probably lived for moments like this), the 3 family members ganged up on me in their testimony as I begged for mercy

noting a “scratch” on joseph’s left cheek, they arrested me for “simple assault” without a wallet or phone

joseph twisted my words of “you should be dead!” to “i’ll kill you!”

and alleged that I choked him (which i never did)

in a “physical scuffle”, as noted in the police report, there are always two sides to the story!

(my side was never taken)

why do i give off such strong odors???

(the next afternoon in somerset county jail, the other inmates still noted that i reeked of booze!)

(just like “trooper augusta” had alleged last memorial day…)

(i’ve never “smelled booze” emanating from a person!)

(and i’d consider my olfactory senses to be reasonably acute)

(i spent a week in somerset county jail)
(until my friend anthony ingrassia finally paid the $200 bail)
(after the rest of my family bailed on me)
(he dropped me off at the malchow residence for the night)
(until paul claimed that his stepmother was scared of me)
(after hearing about the arrest)
(and so crashed at the family home of aidan ireland)

(my uncle jimmy wouldn’t take me in)

(so i was passed off to my ‘grandma skip’)


‘MARCH 2012’

(‘simple assault’ charges were dropped)


(after the old man + kevin mcdonald indicated to watchung judge that they did not want me to be charged with the ‘crime’)

(is a ‘dismissed charge’ akin to a ‘not guilty verdict’?)



👈👈👈☜*“ASSAULTER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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