“8 october 2012”



(it was before 6pm and i was already looking for some form of excitement)

(i ended up breaking my fast and getting 3 slices of pizza at the local pizzeria)

(i also bought a can of busch, a pint of vodka, and another steel reserve when christopher called me up this afternoon)

(i bummed more cigarettes off him and ended up putting him in his place after telling him of my success last night)

(after eating the pizza, i promptly passed out)

(now it’s 1:30am and i’m horny once again)

(i suppose i’ll begin drinking)

(i’m going to start recording 3 songs a day)

(one acoustic-based, one swing-based (a “show tune”), one straight rock (with variations in tempo + time signature))

(lyrically, one song will deal in love, one song will deal in war, one song will deal in fantasy)

(i bought more liquor)

(i’m dead broke)

(i bummed a cigarette off an old woman with a black eye)

(then i chatted on a bench with an old man who’d lived through the 60s)

(he was visibly impressed)

(i called up “george” from the local hardware store)

(he still “hadn’t talked to al”)

(so i headed to the verizon store)

(i met pete (the manager of the store))

(he gave me two more cigarettes)

(“steven” must be prejudiced against long-haired men)

(christopher was right)












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  1. monday | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “monday log” | *JoGa Jungle*

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