“9 june 2015”


robotripped yesterday…
(2 bottles of tussin @ noon)

then john came by with grass from his indian neighbor in the afternoon…
(we smoked a few bowls)

we went to david hughes’ room at the clarion on route 1
(his basement in ewing is flooded)

smoked some more grass
(packed in cigarette rolling paper)

he made me a vodka cocktail…

he was glorifying john’s music…
(and wants to poach arv as drummer)

then we went to get him rolling papers…

we were going to smoke a joint but tara started yelling at him…
(did she have an abortion?)
(is she pregnant?)
(john doesn’t ask questions)

i cheered up tara…
(and then friended them both on facebook the next day)

then we went back to the room and smoked the last bowl…

i recorded electric guitar parts for “ode to self” as john laid on my bed…

they cleaned the room yesterday…
(the bed covers are now a spooky floral arrangement)

john gave me american spirits…

i gave up on mixing “ode to self” before 2AM…

(wasn’t quite finished)
(i was still feeling good)

i spent my “$6 off $30 purchase” CVS coupon yesterday to buy the 2 bottles of tussin…
(can i cash it in again if i use physical coupon printed at the store machine?)

i spent $5 on my debit card
(charged as “credit”)
(so i have 2 cents left in my account)

(then $25 on the foodstamps card)
(4 cans of peanut butter for $10)
(10 beef jerky + american string cheese strings for over $1 each)

i ate the 10 beef jerky + cheese strips before bed…

(and peanut butter with applesauce)
(almost the entire jar)
(eating the peanut butter without the applesauce stung my teeth)
(because i was drinking monsters all day)

(i was up at 6:30AM)
(bought a fruit punch from motel vending machine for $1)

(then i slept until before noon)

(got up and started drinking monsters + smoking american spirits in the bathroom)

(scraped resin out of the bowl)
(got healthily stoned)
(but the guitar string got stuck in the bowl)
(killed my mood as i tried getting it out)

(started organizing my 12 x 12 song cycles)

(finished a working mix of “ode to self”)

(john called @ 7PM)
(we drove to mercer county library)
(got 2 frappucinnos + 2 monsters)
($51 left on foodstamps card)
(still gotta buy food for tonight)

(no grass tonight)
(although john got his $100 check yesterday)
(has he spent it already?)
(do i call up saint nick before he starts his internship next week?)


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  1. “june 9th” (my years on earth) | *JoGa Jungle*

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