


(smoked a few joints with ‘brother john’ + ‘arv’ @ john’s pad)

then i was forced to put up with john’s bullshit (and watch his youtube videos)…

at least i could access wifi from his neighbor’s apartment (until my phone finally died)…

i was in quite an intelligent mood…

smoking american spirits on his deck…

i finally convinced him to drive me back to the room sometime ’round 1:30am…

spent $3 on cream cheese @ the lawrenceville wawa…

the indian cashier said to a cute girl before me: “hope you feel better!”…

so i asked him “what’s wrong with her?” (within earshot of her)…

”excuse me??!?

i’m just gonna walk away…”…

(or else what?)

so we headed outta there and i convinced john that the three girls (she was with two fatties) were following us…

so he made a diversionary turn like the schizo he is…

i invited arv + john to share in the spoils (as in my three bags of bagels)…

they finally left after a half hour (although john returned for his backpack and then i noted that he was sitting in his car for several minutes after the return)…i pigged out on bagels (and the foodbank food) and rubbed one out to collages of girls from my past (most notably erin mcguirk)…fell asleep sometime ’round 3am…

the phone was dead so i wasn’t able to set an alarm for the next morning…cheryl was due to arrive at noon…i woke up several times during the early morning but didn’t get going until 11am (catchup sleep from the night before @ jackie’s pad)…i haven’t showered since monday…i’ve gotta start brushing my teeth because they are beginning to rot near the gums…

i jerked off again in the morning…to the same array of girls from my past…(mostly mcguirk + padua)…

cheryl came knocking sometime after noon…she brought laundry / phone charger / $50 CVS card…i didn’t give her new laundry (too lazy to sort out the clean from the dirty)…she was in a bad mood from the texts i sent her last week…about “sleeping with the enemy”…”you’ll get what’s coming to you!”…i hardly remember writing them in my drunken stupor…of course i was referring to my old man…i finally placated her (because i was chilled out from puffing on some american spirit remnants)…convinced her to take me to lunch…first we hit up chipotle but the line seemed too long…so we hit up jersey mike’s subs…i got a giant (14-inch) roast beef sub and orange gatorade…also got a jersey’s mikes customer card…then she headed out (had to be back in watchung @ 2am)…

i took a short nap before arv came over with my acoustic guitar and bag…still need to get my electric guitar (and cable) from his pad…he went to mcdonalds for food and i walked with him to the library…he wants to get his drums to a storage unit (on route 1 on the way to hamilton station)…i need to investigate this as well…he should start collecting unemployment…

we went to CVS for monsters…a sexy blonde is in training there…now i’m at the mercer library until close…later on i’ll buy some tuss and get tripping…i’ll edit video tonight…arv is teaching yoga…cheryl got underwear for john…maybe he’ll bring some dope to me…i’ve gotta take a fucking shower…

left a message for elisa at 3:50pm…

(at cheryl’s urging)

(i said that i wanted to meet with her ‘monday’ to discuss the ‘motel situation’)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “THE 9/11 CHRONICLES”*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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