"princeton adriana"



she’s from toronto…she was coming back from a disco biscuits concert in philadelphia…she’s heading back there tonight…she was walking solo from the terrace club…she was sporting three hula hoops…i approached her with my “back in orbit” line…”what makes your hula hoop spin?”…i walked her back to her dorm…i started playing guitar as she hula hooped along…her friend came out…girls started taking pictures…a shirtless bearded student came out and complained about the noise…we went back into their dorm…it was a beautiful little hippie paradise…she was eating a bag of doritos…she offered me some but i declined…i played them my music on soundcloud…they seemed moderately enthusiastic…then i played “blackbird” on acoustic guitar in her bedroom…she had incense but no lighter (and neither did i)…i was about to take what i thought were two vodka shots…it was really just what she used to clean her belly button ring…

adriana walked back to the terrace club for matches, a cigarette, and her car…i followed along…tried making out with her on the way over…she declined…she also wouldn’t give me a ride back to the house (for she’d been drinking)…

(she gave me a hug and told me to hit her up next saturday)

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