“anne-katrine wissing”


*alive + well*

*as of ‘current date’*

‘last time you spoke’

‘according to…’

‘as for as we know…’


*date of birth*


“current condition”

‘single’ / ‘married’ / ‘divorced’
(‘biological’ or ‘adopted’?)



*born ’30 june 1994’*

*8 december 2014*

called her at 8pm last night…went to the family voicemail…no callback…

she defanned my music page…

FB messaged her to tell her i called her and it went to some other voicemail…no response…

finally called her out…

(now we’re no longer facebook friends)

*9 november 2014*

met her (and her friends) while busking at the frist campus center at 2am sunday morning…

her blonde (american) friend sat down next to me and asked me to play jason mraz for her…i declined…she dug the music anyway…

anne lives in new york…a 20-year old blonde from denmark…princeton junior…

she was taking videos…got her to fb friend the “jogabot” account…didn’t show up in my account until the next morning at the library…don’t know why the blackberry didn’t show it…probably the same reason my camera randomly corrupted the video i made when i was playing for the girls…figures…

she said i was really talented after i hit her up on fb chat…

we’re lying to each other…told her i work at the institute for advanced study…she claims on her fb profile to be a princeton student living in new york…she’s really just an au pair…but she’s still incredibly beautiful…

tried to get her to send me videos from saturday night…she sent a 9-second video over fb of me playing “santeria” to her friend (the american girl)…couldn’t find her on fb…may as well friend ellen andersson…

said she tried to send the longer video over gmail but it was “taking forever”…and that she “wouldn’t be at a computer until friday”…sending over the phone?…i told her to use google drive…what is so hard about this for foreigners???…just like markus…

the parents of her kids are on vacation this week…i told her we should hit up NYC together sometime…she “loves going to NYC” (of course)…i should go over there when the parents are home…fucking a…i should be able to easily rail an au pair…we’ll see how this goes…i need some money first…

now she’s a fb fan of the music page…

i called her on monday afternoon…the phone went to a man’s voicemail…her au pair family?  no callback…or did i take down the wrong #?…try again wednesday night…

(get her to come out for open mic / karaoke night)

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  1. anna | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. 561 | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “non-believers” (anna) | *JoGa Jungle*

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