*april fool day 2013*



spent easter sunday alone…

(the only one who called me was my brother…

(and we played phone tag all day until i finally couldn’t get in touch with him…)

madcow also sent me a conciliatory text message…i didn’t answer…

i left a message to el madre requesting money for rent + utilities but she never called back…

if i lay off the booze for the next few days, i believe i’ll escape any withdrawals (since in lieu of vodka i’ve only had a 6 pack of budweiser / day for the past two days)…

now i’m back to dipping…i suppose i can pick up some cigarettes @ mccaffrey’s tomorrow to ease the transition…

finished a rough draft of AI’s “our loving god” but he hasn’t seen it yet…i should start cranking out videos for him…

finished some guitar themes from “fruit” for the “weirdos” film…no response from the professor…

figure i’ll finish off the rest of the benadryl tonight…i slept a lot this weekend so i don’t suppose i’ll need much sleep…need to get up bright and early tomorrow and take a shower…

i’m gonna need to secure money tomorrow or i’m quickly going to be homeless…just when i was getting on a roll…

stayed up all night…the house still seems to be relatively empty (with the exception of boris)…

(what now?)



👈👈👈 ☜ *“APRIL FOOL DAY 2012”*


*“APRIL FOOL DAY 2014”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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