
(‘babysitting’ is temporarily caring for a child)

(‘babysitting’ can be a paid job for all ages)

(however, it is best known as a temporary activity for young teenagers who are too young to be eligible for employment in the ‘general economy’)

(it provides autonomy from parental control, and spending money, as well as an introduction to the techniques of ‘child care’)

(it emerged as a ‘social role’ for teenagers in the 1920s, and became especially important in ‘suburban america’ in the 1950s and 1960s, when there was an abundance of ‘small children’)


(it stimulated an outpouring of ‘folk culture’ in the form of…)

‘urban legends’

‘pulp novels’

‘horror films’


(growing up on ‘knollwood drive’, i was fascinated by the fitzgerald sisters who lived across the street)

beautiful blondes.  the oldest ones were my first babysitters.  

at age 6, i made my first awkward attempts at seduction as we watched a movie one night.  

i distinctively recall nudging my way closer and closer to her without being too flagrant.  

she didn’t go for it…

the youngest girl (“erin”) was a playmate of sorts.  

she was 5-6 years older…

we attended several parties at their house and those rooms still prominently feature in my dreams…

i remember the fitzgeralds coming to the rescue when our car broke down during a summer trip to “sesame place” in pennsylvania.  

they picked us up from a local gas station…

(what if middle-aged women just flirt with me to get back with their babysitter-screwing husbands???)

(in this 4-way economic exchange)

(husband financially supports all 3…)

(me the slacker prophet stoner musician)

(and vaguely worded genius…)

(to keep the middle-aged women sexually stimulated…)

(and therefore better-looking…for their husbands’ ultimate enjoyment)

(the teenage babysitter trades her sexual nobility for $$$ from pops)

(who gets to taste life’s ultimate reward…)

(and the middle-aged woman gets supported by the husband)

(to save face)

(to enable him not to creep out the teenage babysitter by leaving his wife for her fleeting sexual favors)

(and the “babies” are left with a sexy teenage babysitter firmly in place!)









👈👈👈☜*back to “AGEPLAY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥