“bad boys”

(‘they’ll’ tell you all your life that women are attracted to “bad boys”…)


(…until you become bad yourself and then end up in jail surrounded by fellow degenerates…)

(i think it’s more that women are attracted to “successful risk-takers”)

criminals turn on beautiful women only if they successfully flaunt the system we’re born into.  

they offer an alternative way of life.  

(most popular reason for ‘divorce’)

(why ‘double R’?)

they are trailblazers.  

i remember watching the comedy film “naked gun 33 1/3” as a teenager back when i was all about anna nicole smith (even though in retrospect her fake tits wouldn’t do anything for me).  

i noted that in the film, she was cast as the girlfriend of a career criminal (played by frederick ward…

who was also significantly older than her…surprised?)

are rogues merely the future authorities?  

just waiting for the first opportunity for successful revolt.  

the principle of sexual attraction to renegades has seemingly held true through the ages.  

defiance provides the female with a reliable sexual rush.  

part of this can be explained with the financial rewards associated with successful crimes.  

and in many cases, it takes a bold man to become a criminal when faced with an unjust legal system.  

(in my own ‘ignoble sexual struggles’, i’ve noted that i’ve been most successful with women when i ‘broke laws’)

(mostly regarding underage drinking)

(if i had been an utter perfectionist and conformist, i likely never would have had any sexual experiences until age 21)


women are more likely to respond favorably to sexual advances if they believe that the male considers himself superior to her.  

not quite contempt
(which (unlike ‘anger’) is usually ‘irreversible’)

like a non-native english speaker would gravitate towards a native american in the united states…

(no not THAT “native american” silly!)

(so a “bad boy” will have no compunction about calling a girl a “cunt” (a vagina) or a “skank” (a ‘promiscuous person’))


(i never considered the meaning of “skank” until i labeled a prune a “slavic skank”)



👈👈👈☜*“LAWS OF ATTRACTION”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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