
Image of the Bering land bridge being inundated with rising sea level across time




(‘beringia’ is defined today as the ‘land’ + ‘maritime’ area with the following boundaries…)

*the ‘lena river’ in ‘russia’*
(to the west)


*the ‘mackenzie river’ in ‘canada’*
(to the east)


*’72 degrees north latitude’*
(in the ‘chukchi sea’)
(to the north)


*the tip of the “kamchatka peninsula”*
(to the south)


(sounds like another ‘jerusalem’ to me!)


(which ‘we’ (meaning ‘human being of the ‘past’ + ‘present’) once thought was the center connector of 3 ‘continents’ (‘africa’ / ‘asia’ / ‘europe’)

(then ‘columbus’ accidentally discovered ‘america’ in 1492)

(and ‘amerigo vespucci’ put it all together and realized there was a ‘4th continent’)

(born ~3 years after ‘columbus’)

(an ‘italian’ working for ‘spain’)


(it includes…)

*the ‘chukchi sea’*


*the ‘bering sea’*


*the ‘bering strait’*


*the ‘chukchi’ + ‘kamchatka’ peninsulas in ‘russia’*

(as well as ‘alaska’ in the ‘united states’)


(the area includes land lying on the ‘north american plate’ + ‘siberian land’ east of the ‘chersky range’)

(historically, it formed a ‘land bridge’ that was up to 1,000 kilometers (/ ‘620 miles’) wide at its greatest extent)

(it covered an area as large as ‘british columbia’ + ‘alberta’ together) 

(1,600,000 square kilometers)
(/ ‘620,000 square miles’)


(this ‘land bridge’ connected ‘asia’ + ‘north america’ at various times during the ‘quaternary glaciation’)

(the term beringia was coined by the swedish botanist ‘eric hultén’ in ‘1937’)

(during the ‘ice ages’, ‘beringia’ (like most of ‘siberia’ and all of ‘north/south east china’) was not ‘glaciated’ because snowfall was very light)

(it was a ‘grassland steppe’ (including the land bridge) that stretched for hundreds of kilometers into the continents on either side)

(it is believed that a small human population of at most ‘a few thousand’ arrived in ‘beringia’ from ‘eastern siberia’ during the ‘last glacial maximum’ before expanding into the ‘settlement’ of ‘the americas’ sometime after 16,500 years ago during the ‘late glacial maximum’ as the american glaciers blocking the way southward melted, but before the bridge was covered by the sea about ‘11,000 years before present’)

(before ‘european colonization’, ‘beringia’ was inhabited by the ‘yupik peoples’ on both sides of the ‘straits’)

(this culture remains in the region today along with others)

(in 2012, the governments of ‘russia’ + ‘the united states’ announced a plan to formally establish “a trans-boundary area of shared beringian heritage”)

(among other things this agreement would establish close ties between the ‘bering land bridge national preserve’ + the ‘cape krusenstern national monument’ in ‘the inited states’ + the planned ‘beringia national park’ in ‘russia’)


(the “bering land bridge” was a ‘land bridge’ roughly 1000 miles (‘north’ to ‘south’) which joined (present-day) ‘alaska’ + ‘eastern siberia’ at various times during the ‘pleistocene ice ages’)






👈👈👈☜*“PALEO-INDIANS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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