
-as of [23 JUNE 2024]


*aka* –>


“germ warfare”


-the use of [biological toxins] or [infectious agents] – such as [‘bacteria’ / ‘viruses’ / ‘fungi’] – with the intent to ‘kill’ or ‘incapacitate’ humans, animals or plants as an [act of war]-


(‘biological weapons’ (often termed ‘bio-weapons’, ‘biological threat agents’, or ‘bio-agents’) are ‘living organisms’ or ‘replicating entities’ (such as ‘viruses’, which are not universally considered “alive”) that ‘reproduce’ or ‘replicate’ within their ‘host victims’)

(‘entomological (insect) warfare’ is also considered a type of ‘biological weapon’)

(this type of warfare is distinct from ‘nuclear warfare’ and ‘chemical warfare’, which together with ‘biological warfare’ make up ‘NBC’, the ‘military acronym’ for ‘nuclear’, ‘biological’, and ‘chemical’ warfare using ‘weapons of mass destruction’ (ala ‘WMDs’))

(none of these are ‘conventional weapons’, which are primarily due to their ‘explosive’, ‘kinetic’, or ‘incendiary’ potential)

(‘biological weapons’ may be employed in various ways to gain a ‘strategic’ or ‘tactical’ advantage over the ‘enemy’, either by ‘threats’ or by ‘actual deployments’)

(like some of the ‘chemical weapons’, ‘biological weapons’ may also be useful as ‘area denial weapons’)

(these agents may be ‘lethal’ or ‘non-lethal’, and may be targeted against a ‘single individual’, a ‘group of people’, or even an ‘entire population’)

(they may be ‘developed’, ‘acquired’, ‘stockpiled’, or ‘deployed’ by ‘nation states’ or by ‘non-national groups’)

(in the latter case, or if a ‘nation-state’ uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered ‘bioterrorism’)

(there is an overlap between ‘biological warfare’ and ‘chemical warfare’, as the use of ‘toxins’ produced by ‘living organisms’ is considered under the provisions of both the ‘biological weapons convention’ and the ‘chemical weapons convention’)

(‘toxins’ + ‘psycho-chemical weapons’ are often referred to as midspectrum agents)


(unlike ‘bio-weapons’, these ‘midspectrum agents’ do not ‘reproduce’ in their ‘host’ and are typically characterized by shorter ‘incubation periods’)








👈👈👈☜*-PHYSICAL WARFARE-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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