*as of ‘16 SEPTEMBER 2023’*
“broadcast wave format”
*’broadcast wave format’ (BWF) is an ‘extension’ of the popular ‘microsoft WAVE audio format’ and is the ‘recording format’ of most ‘file-based non-linear digital recorders’ used for production in the fields of…*
‘motion picture’
(it was first specified by the “european broadcasting union” in ‘1997’, and updated in ‘2001’ and ‘2003’)
(the purpose of this ‘file format’ is the addition of ‘metadata’ to facilitate the ‘seamless exchange’ of ‘sound data’ between different ‘computer platforms’ and ‘applications’)
(it specifies the format of ‘metadata’, allowing ‘audio processing elements’ to ‘identify themselves’, ‘document their activities’, and ‘permits ‘synchronization’ with other ‘recordings”)
(this ‘metadata’ is stored as ‘extension chunks’ in a ‘standard digital audio WAV file’)
(files conforming to the “broadcast wave specification” have names ending with the extension .WAV)
(in addition to the common “WAVE chunks”, the following ‘extension chunks’ can appear in a “broadcast wave file”…)
“original broadcast extension chunk”
(aka ‘bext’)
“iXML chunk”
(aka ‘iXML’)
“quality chunk”
(aka ‘qlty’)
“MPEG audio extension chunk”
(aka ‘mext’))
“peak envelope chunk”
(aka ‘levl’))
“link chunk”
(aka ‘link’)
“axml chunk”
(aka ‘axml’)
(for more information, see “EBU BWF user guide”)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥