-the byte-


-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]


“kilobyte” = 1,000 bytes


“megabyte” = 1,000,000 bytes


“gigabyte” = 1,000,000,000 bytes


“terabyte” = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes




“petabyte” = 1.000,000,000,000,000 bytes


-the byte is a ‘unit’ of ‘digital information’ that most commonly consists of 8 ‘bits’


(historically, the ‘byte’ was the # of ‘bits’ used to encode a single character of ‘text’ in a ‘computer’ and for this reason it is the smallest addressable ‘unit’ of ‘memory’ in many ‘computer architectures’)

(the ‘size’ of the ‘byte’ has historically been ‘hardware-dependent’ and no definitive standards existed that mandated the size)


will we ever get around to that?”
(me? i’m all for ‘standardization”)

(“we’ve gotta uplphold a certain ‘standard’)
(as long as you THINK that one day you yourself will reign over this ‘collective planetary body’)

(the de facto standard of eight bits is a convenient power of two permitting the values 0 through 255 for one byte)


(the international standard ‘IEC 80000-13’ codified this common meaning)

(many types of ‘applications’ use information representable in 8 or fewer bits and ‘processor designers’ optimize for this common usage)

(the popularity of ‘major commercial computing architectures’ has aided in the ubiquitous acceptance of the ‘8-bit size’)

(the unit octet was defined to explicitly denote a sequence of ‘8 bits’ because of the ambiguity associated at the time with the ‘byte’)


(the usage of the term octad(e) for ‘8 bits’ is no longer common today)








👈👈👈☜*-THE BIT-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. cloud storage | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “data units” | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “bit” | *JoGa Jungle*

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