






“jus soli”
(latin for “right of the soil”)

“birthright citizenship”
(become a citizen by virtue of being born in the country)
(i am an american citizen by birthright)

this is why “illegal immigrants” sneak into the united states and have children
(so that their children automatically become “american citizens”)

(a child born in france to foreign parents only acquires citizenship if he/she is “stateless”)

(a child born in the ‘united kingdom’ must have one parent who is a british citizen (or is “settled” in the UK) in order to acquire citizenship))
(according to 1983 law)

(in the ‘united states’, a person can apply for citizenship (via a “green card”) after 5 years of residence)

(this period is shortened to 3 years if you are married to a US citizen)

(if you join the military for one year, the path to citizenship is shortened)

(do judges still offer the “join the army or go straight to jail” scenario?)

(what is the highest age the army will accept?)

(or do i join the “reserves”?)

(at age 32, am i too old for the “army”?)

(‘citizenship’ is the ‘status’ of a person recognized under the ‘custom’ or ‘law’ as being a ‘legal member’ of a ‘sovereign state’ or part of a ‘nation’)

(a person may have ‘multiple citizenships’ + a person who does not have ‘citizenship’ of any ‘state’ is said to be ‘stateless’)

(‘nationality’ is often used as a ‘synonym’ for ‘citizenship’ in ‘english’ – notably in ‘international law’ – although the term is sometimes understood as denoting a person’s ‘membership’ of a ‘nation’ (aka a large ‘ethnic group’))

(in some countries (such as the ‘united states’ + the ‘united kingdom’), ‘nationality’ + ‘citizenship’ can have different meanings)

*’nationality’ vs ‘citizenship’*






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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥