“columbus day 2013”

*14 october 2013*


(the latest possible ‘columbus day’)

(i spent most of the day working out the acoustic chords for “uncle bob’s basement”)

didn’t get much accomplished…

drank a lot of budweiser and chewed a lot of dip…

ignored john the drunk (who came twice to my window)…extremely horny but still resisting the urge to jack off…

i called cheryl (after she never got back to me the night before)…she sounded cranky…but at least she agreed to move me on tuesday…she threateningly told me “do you want me to put your father on the phone?” (a scare tactic she used on me as a little boy)…so i called her bluff and asked her to put him on the phone…she refused…so i called him myself…he complained about his blood pressure…laying on his bed watching football (as usual)…i told him to call me on tuesday…

i started to get crankier as the night progressed…everyone seemed to be ignoring me…my calls, my facebook messages, my youtube videos…i lashed out at ashley lieggi and gillian cake…but i also sent the “ashley” song to ashley…she responded in a nonsensical manner…and i only got gillian’s attention when i told her to “cut the lesbian bullshit”…she just seemed puzzled…at least they didn’t defriend me (yet)…

at 10:15pm i was all out of dip…i decided that i’d better eat something (because my shits were getting very loose and nasty)…called up pizza star…they “didn’t have any slices”…so i foolishly ordered a whole pie (half pepperoni / half plain)…now my bank account is back down to 0…at least i’ve got $20 on the mccaffrey’s card and a 24-pack of budweiser to work through…

ate 6 slices and left 2 pepperoni slices for tomorrow…guzzled down a lemon arizona iced tea…then it was time to pass out…i lounged around in bed until 10am…now i’ve got nasty shits and nasty gas…i stole some napkins from pizza star to use as toilet paper but i’m all out once again…

i called up dorothy kane round 8:30pm…left a voicemail…she responded @ 9:30am the next morning…left a voicemail…it seems that her “builder” almost cut off his fingers with a tablesaw yesterday…no she’s not sure if the first floor bedroom will be ready by friday…a german girl named “annika” is moving in then…

i agreed to meet her tonight @ 7pm to go over the terms of the lease…she’d like a copy of my driver’s license (although all she needs is the #) and “verification of employment”…so i explained to her that i’d be receiving rental assistance (+ security deposit) for 12 months…$950 / month (includes all utilities)…plus one month security deposit…

she mentioned that her builder told her that it’d be illegal for me to enter through the back door (because there was “not sufficient headspace” and if i hit my head she could be sued)…i told her it wasn’t a problem to enter through the front door…shared kitchen…shared dishes…shared living room / dining room…two women living above me…i hope annika’s cute (though i don’t usually dig foreign chicks)…i even offered to stay upstairs temporarily if the room wasn’t ready before friday…she also mentioned routine inspections and seemed not to want me to have many visitors…if i were having visitors, she asked that i let her know (so she could leave the premises)…

i called up elisa…she was “in a meeting”…asked that she call me back…i wonder how long it will take to get the rent checks cleared…i’ll probably have cheryl drive me there tomorrow morning before the move…

i’ve really got to clean up my act today…i don’t want to be too drunk when i meet with dorothy tonight…gotta film the room before my departure…then start tearing down the wall…i wonder if cheryl knows how to patch a hole in the wall…also gotta clean the floors…the landlord subtracted my security deposit from the amount i “owe him” but he’ll tack that right back on once he sees the state of the room…dorothy kane told me she was required to “register” me with the township as a renter…that should make him easy to track me down…

joseph battiato endorsed me for “songs” on linkedin…

i should back up all files today…and try to get another video out for AI…”we must protect the young”…

other than that, it seems my final album at this residence will be “ultimus romanorum”…and it’s not even close to complete…

elisa didn’t return my call…so i called her back @ 2pm…now she’s throwing another wrench in the works…she thinks that i’m required to sign a 1-year lease in order to qualify for rental assistance…4 months won’t cut it…i was never informed of this…i was only told that i was eligible for rental assistance for “up to 12 months”…this caveat makes no sense…it only SAVES the township money…perhaps i can get the landlord to sign a year-lease with an additional caveat that the owner reserves the right to break the lease after 4 months…she said she’ll “call me back”…we’ll see…

stole some toilet paper from the upstairs bathroom…bought another can of dip (the plain grizzly dip is only $4.03)…AI ain’t answering his phone (but magic dan is calling me)…chatting with james chou on facebook…he’s got a new girlfriend…i’m very horny right now…and not quite drunk…perhaps that pizza wasn’t such a good idea last night…

elisa didn’t call me back so i called her back ’round 4pm…she said she left “two messages” for welfare directors…

we have a 1pm appointment tomorrow…

(she’d better not screw me over now)



👈👈👈 ☜ *“COLUMBUS DAY 2012”*


*“COLUMBUS DAY 2014”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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