*'cornelius s muller' house*

Cornelius S. Muller House




*602 NY 23B*
(‘claverack’ / ‘columbia county’ / NY STATE)


the Cornelius S. Muller House is located along NY 23B in Claverack, New York, United States.


It is a pre-Revolutionary brick house in a Dutch Colonial style with some English influences.

During the Revolutionary War, it was the meeting place of the local Committee of Safety and a site for courts martial.

In 1840 it was renovated, but it has otherwise remained intact from its original time period.


(in 1997, it was listed on the “national register of historic places”)


(doesn’t look all that ‘historically important’ to me…indistinguishable from thousands of other houses i’ve seen)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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