






(“dance” is a ‘performance art form’ consisting of purposefully selected sequences of ‘human movement’)

(this movement has ‘aesthetic’ and ‘symbolic’ value, and is acknowledged as ‘dance’ by ‘performers’ and ‘observers’ within a particular ‘culture’)

(‘dance’ can be ‘categorized’ and ‘described’ by its ‘choreography’, by its ‘repertoire’ of ‘movements’, or by its ‘historical period’ or ‘place of origin’)

(an important distinction is to be drawn between the ‘contexts’ of ‘theatrical’ and ‘participatory’ dance, although these 2 categories are not always completely separate; both may have special ‘functions’, whether ‘social’, ‘ceremonial’, ‘competitive’, ‘erotic’, ‘martial’, or ‘sacred’ (/ ‘liturgical’)

(other forms of ‘human movement’ are sometimes said to have a ‘dance-like quality’, including

‘martial arts’,


‘figure skating’,

‘synchronized swimming’,

(+ many other forms of ‘athletics’)






👈👈👈☜*“MUSIC”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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