


*official name* –>



(marketed as…)



(…and many other ‘brand names’)


*a ‘combination drug’* –>








(~29mg of ‘DPH’ in single ‘dramamine pill’)
(for each ’50 milligrams’ of ‘dramamine’)


*”dimenhydrinate” is an over-the-counter anti-emetic used for the treatment of the symptoms of ‘motion sickness’*


(it is most commonly prepared as tablets, although it is also available in liquid form and in suppositories)

(‘dimenhydrinate’ is a combination of 2 drugs: ‘diphenhydramine’ and ‘8-chlorotheophylline’)

(the 2nd drug is an “energy booster”)


(…to counteract the usual drowsiness associated with ‘DPH’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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