“DUO 2”

(*5 august 1996*)

(preparing to enter ‘7th grade’)

(the “upperclassmen” of ‘valley view middle school’)

(when we started changing classrooms each period)

(instead of staying in one classroom all day)

first girlfriend
(kimberly blackadar)

first proper orgasm

first kiss

(preparation for “teen years”)
(13th birthday)
(i was thrown a big party at the compound by the family)

(catholic confirmation)



“bye bye birdie”

high school

harvard hop

harvard graduation
(june 2005)

“finest hour” release
(june 2006)

employment @ BGC partners + move to east village NYC
(march 2007)

*5 august 2008*

(living in ‘east village’ (/ ‘NYC’)

(working as “commodities” analyst” in back office of jpmorganchase)

(christine hauer was first to wish me happy 24th birthday)

(via facebook message)

(i deactivated my facebook wall)

(because i didn’t anticipate many birthday wishes)

(and i didn’t want christine to see how unpopular i really was)

(i took the day off and went back to watchung with ‘cheryl lynn’)

(rehearsing with john ames + riff for our first gigs in ‘september 2008’)

(recording the “tabula rasa” album)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “DUO 1”*



*forward to “DUO 3”* ☞ 👉👉👉




👈👈👈☜*back to “DUO JOURNALS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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