“the blue marble”
(‘apollo 17’ lunar mission)


-as of [30 MARCH 2024]


*5th largest planet*


(*3rd ‘stone’ from the sun*)
(from ‘in’ to ‘out’)


*SHAPE* –>



*the ‘sun’ is ~92.96 million miles away from ‘earth’*

“how many million miles?”
“day -yo!”
“o wow!”

*~149,597,870 km*
(distance to ‘sun’ from ‘earth’)









“the world”

“the globe”









*formed 4.5672 ± 0.0006 billion years ago*



(half-billion+ years)


(“eon #1”)
(500 million years)


(“eon #2”)
(1.5 billion years)


(“eon #3”)
(2 billion years)


(“eon #4”)
(500 million years)




(‘pangia’ is a supercontinent that existed 300 million years ago)

(began to rift around 200 million years ago)


*greek* –>

‘pan’ –> ‘entire’

‘gia’ –> ‘earth’



(from the late latin “tectonicus”,

from the greek: τεκτονικός

“pertaining to building”


*”plate tectonics” is a ‘theory’ which describes the ‘large-scale motions’ of earth’s lithosphere*


(the ‘litho-sphere’ is the rigid outermost shell of a rocky planet)

(IPA: [ˈlɪθ.əˌsfɪəɹ], from the Greek λίθος [lithos] for “rocky” + σφαῖρα [sphaira] for “sphere”)


(any drastic motion of earth’s lithosphere will lead to global disasters. but we’ll get through it somehow…)


(the most likely ‘ultimate fate’ of the ‘planet’ is ‘absorption’ by the ‘sun’ in about ‘7.5 billion years’, after the ‘star’ has entered the ‘red giant phase’ and expanded to cross the planet’s ‘orbit’)














































(otherwise known as ‘the world’)

‘greek’ –> Γαῖα / gaia

‘latin’ –> terra



*”earth” is the 3rd planet from the “sun” and the only object in the “universe” known to harbor ‘life’*


(it is the densest planet in the “solar system” and the largest of the 4 “terrestrial planets”)

(according to “radiometric dating” and other sources of evidence, ‘earth’ formed about 4.54 billion years ago)

(earth’s gravity interacts with other objects in space, especially the “sun” and the “moon”)

(earth’s only “natural satellite”)

(during 1 orbit around the “sun”, earth rotates about its axis over 365 times, thus an “earth year” is about 365.26 days long)

(earth’s axis of rotation is tilted, producing “seasonal variations” on the planet’s surface)

(the “gravitational interaction” between the “earth” and “moon” causes “ocean tides”, stabilizes the earth’s “orientation” on its ‘axis’, and “gradually slows its rotation”)

(earth’s ‘lithosphere’ is divided into several rigid “tectonic plates” that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years)

(about 71% of earth’s surface is covered with ‘water’, mostly by its “oceans”)

(the remaining 29% is land consisting of “continents” and “islands” that together have many ‘lakes’, ‘rivers’ and other sources of ‘water’ that contribute to the ‘hydrosphere’)

(the majority of earth’s “polar regions” are covered in ‘ice’, including the “antarctic ice sheet” and the “sea ice” of the “arctic ice pack”)

(earth’s interior remains active with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the Earth’s “magnetic field”, and a “convecting mantle” that drives “plate tectonics”)

(within the first billion years of earth’s history, ‘life’ appeared in the oceans and began to affect the earth’s ‘atmosphere’ and surface, leading to the proliferation of “aerobic” and “anaerobic” organisms)

(some geological evidence indicates that “life” may have arisen as much as 4.1 billion years ago)

(since then, the combination of earth’s distance from the “Sun”, physical properties, and “geological history” have allowed “life” to evolve and thrive)

(in the history of the earth, “biodiversity” has gone through long periods of ‘expansion’, occasionally punctuated by “mass extinction events”)

(over 99% of all ‘species’ that ever lived on ‘earth’ are ‘extinct’)

(estimates of the # of ‘species’ on “earth” today vary widely; most species have not been described)

(perhaps they are ‘invisible’ ala ‘dark matter’)
(invisible to the ‘human eye’ at least)

(over 7.4 billion humans live on ‘earth’ and depend on its “biosphere” and “minerals” for their survival)

(‘humans’ have developed diverse ‘societies’ + ‘cultures’; politically, the world has over 200 ‘sovereign states’)








(the aitoff projection is a ‘modified azimuthal map projection’ proposed by ‘david a aitoff in ‘1889’)

(based on the ‘equatorial form’ of the ‘azimuthal equidistant projection’, ‘aitoff’ first halves ‘longitudes’, then projects according to the ‘azimuthal equidistant’, and then stretches the result horizontally into a ‘2:1 ellipse’ to compensate for having halved the ‘longitudes’)

(expressed simply…)


(where azeqx + azeqy are the  X + Y components of the ‘equatorial azimuthal equidistant projection’)






(and sinc α is the unnormalized sinc function with the discontinuity removed)

(in all of these formulas, λ is the ‘longitude’ from the ‘central meridian’ and φ is the ‘latitude’)

(3 years later, ‘ernst hermann heinrich hammer’ suggested the use of the ‘lambert azimuthal equal-area projection’ in the same manner as ‘aitoff’, producing the ‘hammer projection’)


(while ‘hammer’ was careful to cite ‘aitoff’, some authors have mistakenly referred to the ‘hammer projection’ as the ‘aitoff projection’)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“VENUS”*


*“MARS”* ☞ 👉👉👉








👈👈👈☜*“THE SOLAR SYSTEM”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥