*emperor yōzei*

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(“emperor yōzei” (陽成天皇? yōzei-tennō, ‘2 january 869′ – ’23 october 949′) was the “57th ’emperor’ of ‘japan'”, according to the ‘traditional order of succession’)

(yōzei’s reign spanned the years from ‘876’ through ‘884’)

(reigned from ‘age 7’ to ‘age 15’)

“883” :
(gangyō 7, 1st month)

(in his ‘early teens’, ‘yōzei’ often spent time alone; and sometimes he would feed ‘live frogs’ to ‘snakes’ so that he could watch the ‘reptile’ swallowing; or sometimes, he would find pleasure in setting ‘dogs’ + ‘monkeys’ to fight)

(in time, these amusements became more dangerous)

(he himself executed ‘criminals’)

(when he became angry, he sometimes chased after those who dared speak up; and he sometimes tried to use his ‘sword’)

(‘fujiwara no mototsune’ (the kanpaku) used every possible opportunity to turn ‘yōzei’ towards more ‘seemly conduct’, but the ’emperor’ closed his ‘ears’ to all ‘remonstrances’)

(gangyō 8, 1st month)

(the ‘extravagant’ + ‘dangerous’ habits of the ’emperor’ continued unabated)

(at one point, ‘mototsune’ came to the ‘court’ and discovered that ‘yōzei’ had arranged a bizarre scenario for his diversion…)

(he ordered some men to climb high into trees, and then he ordered others to use sharp ‘lances’ to poke at these men in trees until they fell to their ‘deaths’)

(this extraordinary event convinced ‘motosune’ that the emperor was too ‘undignified’ to reign)

(‘mototsune’ reluctantly realized that someone needed to devise a ‘strategy’ for ‘deposing’ the ’emperor’)

(shortly thereafter, ‘mototsune’ approached ‘yōzei’ and remarked that it must be boring to be so often ‘alone’, and then ‘mototsune’ suggested that the ’emperor’ might be amused by a ‘horse race’)

(‘yōzei’ was attracted to this proposition, and he eagerly encouraged ‘mototsune’ to set a ‘time’ and ‘place’ for the ‘event’)

(it was decided that this special amusement for the ’emperor’ would take place on the ‘4th day’ of the ‘2nd month’ of ‘gangyō 8’)

“4 march 884”:
(gangyō 8, 4th day of the 2nd month)

(the pretext of a ‘special horse race’ enticed the ’emperor’ to leave his ‘palace’)

(‘yōzei’ traveled in a ‘carriage’ which was quickly surrounded by a ‘heavy guard’)

(the carriage was redirected to “Yo seí in” ‘palace’ (“Yang tchhing yuan”) at “Ni zio”, a ‘town’ situated a short distance to the ‘south-west’ of ‘miyako’)

(‘mototsune’ confronted the ’emperor’, explaining that his ‘demented behavior’ made him incapable of ‘reigning’, and that he was being ‘dethroned’)


(at this news, ‘yōzei’ cried sincerely, which did attract feelings of ‘compassion’ from those who witnessed his ‘contrition’)



*👨‍🔬🕵️‍♀️🙇‍♀️*RESEARCH JOURNALS*🙇‍♂️👩‍🔬🕵️‍♂️*








*“EMPEROR KŌKŌ”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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